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Sweet 17

Jag tror att detta är rent skvallerskit! Bill har alltid varir väldigt smal och det kommer han nog att vara. Det har säkert varit stressigt för dom men jag tror absolut inte att han skulle lida av ätstörningar!

OK! People

Bill Kaulitz - The stress is consuming him..

The teenie idol is skinnier than ever. Is the Tokio Hotel singer suffering and eating disorder?

Hanging pants and hollow cheeks: In recent photos Bill Kaulitz looks unhealthily skinny that one question comes to surface: Is he anorexic? The Tokio Hotel star denies such: "Don't worry about my eating habits." Apparently he shovels down mounts of fast food, noodle casseroles and milk rice. But his reassurance over such back fires. Because: "It's typical for anorexics to deny their illness." Explains Dr. Thomas Kurscheid, a nutritional physician. "Sufferers have a warped body perception - they believe they're too fat." However, the 19 year old claims that he only weighs 50 kilos - too little for someone with the height of 1.77 m.

His underweight can also be from nature Bill: "I was always so skinny!" or a reaction to the stressful life in the limelight, the results of energy taking performances and tours. However, the expert assumes it's a psychological problem: "Bill's life is controlled from managers. No wonder that he at least wants to keep the control over his own weight..."

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