Bill tackar fasen
Bill börjar sjunga imorgon
Four weeks of fear and uncertainty - finally over! Bill Kaulitz (18) vocal cords have recovered, he's allowed to sing again. Already tomorrow the Tokio Hotel singer wants to start singing.
Very careful at first though, "as a part of his rehabilitation," band manager David Jost says.
Brother Tom wants to accompany him at his first tries with the guitar.
The teen idol had to have surgery on his vocal chords at the end of March, almost the whole tour got cancelled.
The management will not take a risk now either. Therefore, the planned U.S. tour in May is cut down to a single concert : On 13 May are going to rock the club "Avalon" in Los Angeles. Bands like the Rolling Stones, Prince and Nirvana already performed there.
His favourite
You can love him, you can hate him. It depends only at you if you like this boy or not! You can read here what is in his heart in order to be informed ;-)
Tom Kaulitz
From all people on the world, the closest person for him is his twin, ten minutes older brother Tom.
Black color
Between his favorite colors belongs orange and red. But he loves black the most. He is naturally ?dark blond? but like a blond-man we deffinitely can?t imagine him!
Nena, The Rasmus, Green Day, Coldplay, Keane, David Bowie, Gwen Stefani, Pink...
Piercing and tattoo
He has piercing in the left eyebrow and tongue and from tattoos he has logo of Tokio Hotel on the neck and star on his belly.
Pizza and pastas ? Bill can eat this whole day. But he has also weakness for hamburgers and chips! He has always Big Mac and vanilla shake in McDonald. He has luck that we can?t see on him this passion.
Together with his famous star ? german singer Nena ? he was for a long time in studiu and did dabing into the animated movie Arthur and the Minimoys.
Sea and beachs
My dreamed holiday? Sun, palms and sea! The best would be enjoy this and live in little house on the beach.
Ice Tea
Bill loves in this moment ice tea. He is annoyed of energy drinks.
His favorite animal is monkey.
Rock Style
Leather jacket, tight jeans a T-shirts with rocks motives. You can see Bill in this style a lot.
Olsen's Twins
His secret wish is to meet another famous twins ? Olsen?s twins. They are for him really cool and sweet.
Child's dreams
Like a child he wanted to be a witch or singer. Bad people also says that thanks to Tokio Hotel he has both.
True love
When you will ask Bill on what he really believes, he will answer really romantically... ?On true love!?
Chamomile tea
Brr, you probably say. But for Bill is this tea really important part of his life. It helps him on his vocal chords.
He loves apples! But not for eating, because he has allergy on them just like on wasps.. But he loves notebooks from Apple and everything else like for example: IPhone, IPod etc. Thanks to iBook he can read e-mails from his fans and listen to music on long ways.
Tokio Hotel Tour Diary [Part 4]

On March 13th, the "1000 Hotels European Tour" stopped at the Zenith of Montpellier. A story of a very special day with Bill and co.: one that would be the penultimate of a tour interrupted during take-off.
This Thursday, it is just a week ago that Tokio Hotel set foot on French soil, "1000 Hotels European Tour" is obligatory. At the moment, everything is ok. The joyride to Alsace, to Luxembourg, the two shows in Paris and the date of the preliminary day in Dijon went like clockwork. Of course, boys are under considerable strain: the pressure of concerts, the pace of promos and road miles stresses the body, even if they are young and lusty.
Georg not better
Nevertheless, these are four guys who seem to be in good shape that we are seeing backstage, it is 3 pm and the timing is respected to the minute. As expected, their black tourbus just enters the Grammont Area which houses the yellow Zenith of Montpellier. Close to their coaches, between two semi-trailers, Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav come naturally and greet me, as they did during our very first interview. Handshaking firm and demonstrative (they are German rockers), except for Georg who admits (in a mix of English and French) that he is sick and that it is better to avoid any physical contact. The bassist is obviously very embarrassed; he knows he is going to play with all the energy left. This becomes evident later during the interview where the boy is surprisingly quiet. Whatever, compared to him Tom is on the starting blocks and is awaiting the hour of our interview with impatience: perhaps he has, between two glasses of orange juice, some startling statements on the sexuality of his brother, revelations to be done on Gustav, at the mercy of the wildest rumours. In particular that one of him possibly leaving the band after the concert at Parc des Princes, on June 21st. Information or disinformation? The following will clarify things.
Great, all these signs!
At 3:40 pm we are entering one of the two coaches of the Germans. The first is strictly private and the second being more dedicated to interviews and photo sessions. We have twenty minutes which we should use to full capacity because we have dozens of questions, your ones.
Have you been surprised by the warm welcome of the French fans at the first four tour dates, especially during the first one at Bercy where everyone waved with "Danke" signs at a specific moment of the show?
Tom: Bercy was really one of the great moments of our lives. Especially when we saw all these signs thanking us hold up in unison. It was the greatest present that a public can offer his band. It was wow!
Bill: Obviously, when you play twice in front of over seventeen thousand people, it makes you nervous. The tension rises and when you see this kind of reaction of the audience, all this evidence of love, it can only reassure you, it stimulates you in concert and makes you better.
Georg: Being thanked in this way warms your heart, it encourages you and it makes you even stronger for the rest of the show.
Bill: Frankly, when you see what's happening to us in France, it is unbelievable. Who would have thought that while still a few months ago we were not well known and we played at the Trabendo in Paris.
Transition to act
You played "Geh" for the first time on stage during this tour. Was that the surprise you announced for the French public?
Bill: We're pleased that this has been taken as a surprise by the French fans because that?s what we wanted. This song is on the B side of the single "An deiner Seite (Ich bin da)" and we were eager to integrate it into our set list. It is a song that is very important to us. The lyrics are full of emotions because the text evokes the moment when you break up with your beloved. It speaks about things you can do or say, words that you can not find, small awkwardness related to these delicate instants where everything can take extents that you do not control. It is always difficult to leave someone because there are still feelings which remain; sense of guilt becomes apparent even when you know that it's your heart that speaks. Personally, I always find it difficult to leave, to feel when it is the right moment to split up. It is never easy to deal with your own desires, your own feelings and to act in accordance with your thoughts.
This is a song about the transition to act; sometimes we must take this step because it is the only possible solution if one considers that matter of love should only be dictated by your heart.
Gustave in the turmoil Internet
At the second concert at Bercy, you received a huge diamond record from your record company. Are you still sensitive to these kinds of rewards?
Bill: Yes, it is important for us to receive such rewards. It's like all awards that we could win this year. It is a great honour. Like Tom says, these are things that remain.
Tom: I said that? (laughs) No seriously, we don?t make music to get good grades or receive trophies to decorate our homes, but when they come, we take them with pleasure!
Georg: Particularly this one is the first diamond disc we receive here! And then, who sells records/CDs today? There are only few bands that achieve this, so we enjoy being part of the closed circle of "record selling bands".
We have recently read on the internet about an insistent rumour about Gustav possibly leaving the band just after the Parc des Princes. Whats really with it?
Bill: Oh another rumour (in French in the text)! Where may it come from? God alone knows ? (thoughtful, editorial remark). You know, at Christmas, it was Georg?s turn to leave us and he is still by our side.
Georg: Do not believe everything that is written about us and that we can not control anyway. I do not know what it is necessary to do so that certain rumours disappear like they are put out ?
Tom: You know, it is not because you can see only two or three of us sometimes that the band will get rid of one of its members. Our fans might imagine that we are living together all the time, that we all live the same things, but this is not quite the case.
Of course, we give our interviews together, we are altogether on band photos, but this is only part of our lives as musicians.
Why did you reschedule the date at the Parc des Princes?
Bill: Actually, we wanted to respond to all our fans that could not come that day in question because of examinations. We first asked ourselves if it was technically possible to postpone the concert to the following day and if it was above all playable. After verification, we saw that we could do it. Thus, there was no hesitation, history to satisfy everyone. I hope that those who could not come at the 20th can take the time to be there at the 21st because we really want it to be a party for all people who love us and follow us from the beginning. We are waiting for you (in chorus, editorial remark)!
Jotted down, we will there.
An American tour of the most successful!
Contrary to what has been said and written in the mainstream press, the first couple of concerts of TH across the Atlantic were a raving success. So, ready for the big American leap?
"Apart from Georg who had trouble with his bass in the middle of the concert, our shows in the USA and Canada went very well. The venues were sold out and the public knew our songs by heart, like in Europe. We did not feel any particular difference", admits Bill Kaulitz with a wink to "his" bass player who nods in agreement. "We did not have time to take advantage of our stay because due to snowstorms some of our flights were cancelled and we had to wait in airports, especially in Toronto." Apparently, the American continent does not scare Tokio Hotel more than that. "Of course, America is huge, and it is difficult to break through there. But apart from that, our strategy is the same. Put our name on the map everywhere we go, play wherever possible and, preferably, in more and more large venues," adds Bill as dazzled by the USA as Ribéry by the Bundesliga. "Hollywood and New York however are impressive cities. You have the feeling that it is there that things are going on," says Tom, his eyes sparkling like stars. "On one day in New York, we went out a bit and did some shopping. We do not necessarily have the time or the leisure to do that in Europe while we are on tour. We are eager to return," says his brother.
TH has just announced a new date on April 25th at the Metropolis in Montreal.
Undrar om det är någon som är medelm på och vet hur man gör med den där konfirmationsfrågan när man ska registrera sig? Blir väldugt tacksam om någon vet.
Pussar! //E
THs historia
Peter Hoffmann, känd musikproducent i Tyskland såg Bill Kaulitz uppträda i en talangjakt på tysk TV, Star search 2003. Bill åkte ut i åttondelsfinalen. Hoffmann sökte sedan upp bandet i Magdeburg och såg dem uppträda på en klubb. Han kontaktade bandet och frågade deras föräldrar om han kunde testa att skriva låtar ihop med bandet. Han samlade ihop tre andra låtskrivare och tillsammans med Bill, Tom, Georg och Gustav började deras samarbete som löpte så väl att de spelade in en skiva ihop, Shrei.
Denna var färdig 2004 och presenterades med färdigt artwork för Sony som signerade bandet. Någon månad senare så skrotades kontraktet då Sony gick ihop med BMG och Sony BMGs ledning valde att inte satsa på några nya band det året för att spara i budgeten. TH valde då att gå till ett annat skivbolag; Universal som kontrakterade Tokio Hotel på ett treårsavtal. Sony BMG ångrade sig strax efter men då var bandet redan signerat hos Universal/Island. Namnet byttes då till Tokio Hotel. De har sagt de valde Tokio Hotel för att de nästan alltid bor på hotell och de valde Tokio (Tysk stavning för Tokyo) för att de ville ha ett namn som representerar en storstad för att de alla ogillar landsbygden och småsamhällen.
Sedan deras första singel "Durch den Monsun" släpptes i augusti 2005, och gick upp som nr #1 på singellistan samma månad, har det hänt mycket. Bandet har sålt över 3 ½ miljon skivor och dvd:er i Tyskland vilket gör dem till Tysklands mest framgångsrika band. Men inte nog med det, dom har även sålt guld och/eller platina i Österriket, Schweiz, Tjeckien, Frankrike, Polen, Belgien och Ryssland. Deras första live turné "Schrei" kom att bli den mest succéfyllda turnén för ett debut band i Tyskland. Under deras tredje turné, Zimmer 483 som pågick hösten 2007 spelade dem i tolv Europeiska länder där nästan varje konsert var slutsåld.
Dom skrev historia när dom den 6 Oktober 2007 spelade i Tel Aviv, Israel. Tack vare ihärdigt arbete från fansen där kontaktade den Israeliska ambassaden bandet för att be dem om en konsert. Inget annat tyskt band har uppnått samma status i Israel tidigare. Tokio Hotel fortsatte att skriva historia när dom som första tyska band blev nominerade för två Internationella pris på MTV European Music Awards. Fansen röstade och Tokio Hotel vann pris för Best Inter-Act.
Nu ska Tokio Hotel ut på turné igen, under våren 2008 får 14 Europeiska länder besök av "1000 Hotels tour". Dessutom kommer USA och Canada få besök av bandet för några klubbspelningar under Februari 2008. Från att ha varit ett litet band som kallade sig Devilish och spelade på lokala klubbar i Magdeburg är nu Tokio Hotel ett av Europas största band som nu står med USA och Canada framför sina fötter, reda att erövra världen.
Tokio Hotel på Conan O'Brien!

TH ska uppträda live på MTV TRL!
All info om deras resa till USA med datum, tider & länkar hittar du på forumet i denna tråd:
Boka biljetter till USA om ni har tid och råd! Gör det!
Rösta på TH för TRL Awards!
Tokio Hotel har blivit nominerade i tre kategorier för TRL awards i Naples, Italien som hålls den 17 maj.
Tokio Hotel är nominerade i följade kategorier:
- Best band
- Best riempipiazza
- Best Number One Of The Year (kan bara röstas via sms)
Klicka >>här<< för att rösta!
Visa att ni älskar TH!

Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 16]
Tokio Hotel TV - Montreal Part 1 [Episode 15]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 14]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 13]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 12]

Är inte dessa skor helt jätte vackra om man gillar TH! Tycker dom är skit coola! Bilden är lånad från Elins blogg.
Another Spring Nicht
The God

TH gör filmmusik
Move to Berlin!
Will they have soon an apartment in every big city?
Bill and Tom ( both 18 ) move from Hamburg to the capital.
Reason: "The boys have many dates in Berlin and are sick and tired of living in hotels", band-manager David Jost explains. "But they will still have their apartment in Hamburg." Gustav and Georg don`t have decided yet, whether they will go to Berlin as well.
By the way: In the meantime Tokio Hotel become more and more famous in the USA. Now they even make music for a movie. For the horror-movie "Prom Night" (starts in Germany at 05.06.08) the makers selected "By your side".
När dom va små
Fotoshooting Zimmer 483
Haha, jobbigt

I am not quickly embarrased but at a concert in Herford i have made a big mistake. When we were playing "schrei" i wanted to get somebody on stage to sing the last notes with me. I pointed to someone in the audience and said: "Then we'll take this young man. Do you know the lines?" He knew the song but when i asked for his name he said: "My name Jasmine!" Man, that was so embarrasing.
The 9 sacred Tokio Hotel-Interview Rules
Alla Tokio Hotel TV-avsnitt
Hoppas det inte blir allt för rörit, och om ni redan har sätt dom så är det bara att bläddra förbi. Om ni inte har sett dom, SE DOM!
Ha det bäst!
Kramar från Ebba!
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 11]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 10]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 9]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 8]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 7]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 6]
By your side
Chatt på Stardoll 15/4-08
transcript of the chat (thanks to jencost ): <- if you post this anywhere else, credit her.
What's the funniest gossip you've heard (or read) about yourself?
Tom: there is so much gossip going on - it's incredible. but one time there was on the internet that bill is lying dead in his hotel room - that was quiet interesting ....
Are you able to cook? If "yes"-what is your firm dish?
Tom: bill and i cook a really great spaghetti with tomato sauce - we put secret ingrediances in it ....
What do you guys do for fun in your spare time when you're not working?
Georg: except gustav who always gets up early even when we have a off day we all like to sleep and sleep and sleep!
What were you guys feeling when you found out that bill had to get surgery?
Gustav: we were really shocked!
Georg: we just hoped that everything would work out perfectly for him and that he would feel better really soon.
Tom: we're very happy now, cause everything went so well and we can't wait to go back on stage!
What's your fave thing to do?
All: music!
Tom: that's really our number one and comes before everything else.
Is it true that you are coming to America for the CD release?
Tom: yes of course - we are planning to come over in mai! and we are so excited about coming back!
If you had powers, what superhero will you be?
Tom: i don't know about beeing a superhero but i would love to be able to fly!
Georg: i would like to be invisible.
Gustav: i would like to understand women
What's your favorite animal?
All: dogs!!!
Georg: and i also like cats.
Gustav: we all have a dog and a cat at home!
What makes you really happy?
Tom: the life we are actually living!
Georg: playing live and beeing on the road!
Gustav: that's what we always dreamed about!
Tom, do you listen to rock music or only rap and hip hop?
Tom: mostly to german hiphop but i also listen to some rock!
Tom - How many guitars do you have?
Tom: i guess about 30!
What's your favorite ice cream?
Tom: i like lemmon
Georg: vanilla for me
Gustav: chocolate with splits in it
Have you ever seen or touched a monkey?
All: yes!
Tom: and that was great - monkeys are my second favourite animal
Did you happen to get a huge pair of granny panties thrown at you during one of your New York City concerts?
Tom: we got a lot g-strings - and we loved it! and georg actually wears them from time to time - when he is private ...
What TV shows do you watch?
Georg: we love tv shows - scubs
Gustav: king of queens and the latest we fell for is prison break
Tom: well, mine is actually the girls next door ...
Who is going to be married first?
All: Tom - haha
Tom: well i'm actually married twice - with my car and my guitar
How do you guys sleep ? ( Like on your back, side, etc )
Tom: depends on how much space is left in my bed ...
If you could be an animal, which one would you be?
All: a dog!
Tom: and georg would be an ugly frog!
What's your favorite piece of fruit?
Tom: strawberries
Gustav: plums
Georg: pineapple
If your plane will crashing down in a jungle .. and have no food to live of.. who will be eating first? Why?
Georg: i would eat all of them directly.
Tom: and i would eat georg first cause there you get the most meat!
I think that Georg's have a farm full of turbo-chickens, am I right?
Tom: that's right - how do you know??
What is your favorite dessert?
Tom: a austrian one called kaiserschmarn
Gustav: tiramisu
Georg: ice cream
If you could be any woman for the day who would it be and why?
Georg: Jessica Alba cause she is so pretty
Tom: Pamela Anderson
Gustav: Carmen Electra
Do you guys have any idea how much of an impact you have on your fans? [yes, no, maybe] fyi: you have a lot. I've learned German just for you guys and you guys totally gotten me into Samy deluxe and Nena.
All: wow, that's so amazing!
Tom: thanx for your support, it's always great to hear something like this. we can't wait to come over and see you all. take care so long and we really had a great time during this chat! bye
Up in the sky

Bästa låten!
Lyssna på den här låten. Är med i min favvofilm "Step Up". Om ni inte har sett den; se den!
Att jag hittade en video med en så bra låt plus att den är på TH är ju helt toppen! Låten är så jävla skön!

Haha, bästa tacktalet ever!
Lite dålig text men försök att läsa allt. Så jävla rolig!
Tokio Hotel - 483 Tour [part 5]
Tokio Hotel - 483 Tour [part 4]
Tokio Hotel - 483 Tour [part 3]
Tokio Hotel - 483 Tour [part 2]
Tokio Hotel - 483 Tour [part 1]
Tokio Hotel Tour Diary [Part 3]
Tokio Hotel Tour Diary [Part 2]
Tokio Hotel Tour Diary [Part 1]
HAHA! Pervot, himself!

Haha, han totalt spanar in hennes boobies!
TH släpper officiell bok!

Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 5]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 4]
Haha, älskar när Tom sjunger "Sweet Home Alabama"!
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 3]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 2]
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 1]
Ny kategori
Lite nyheter här! Jag kommer att göra en ny kategori som heter "Tokio Hotel TV". Där kommer jag lägga upp alla TH TV-avsnitt, så det kommer komma lite avsnitt då och då men det behöver ni inte bry er om. Än så länge kommer dem ju vara gamla.
Dom kommer även ligga i ordning.
Nu ska jag börja med att lägga upp de första, men först måste jag skapa kategorin, så klart:P

Letter from the inside

Han är ju bara för söt!
Älskar den här videon!
Haha! Titta på Bill! Så himla söt!
Pussar <3!

Efter Bills rehabelitering kommer Tokio Hotel spela följande fetivaler över hela Europa:
01.06.2008 P - Lisbon - Rock in Rio Lisbon
14.06.2008 NL - Nijmegen - Goffertpark
21.06.2008 F - Paris - Parc Des Prince
27.06.2008 SP - Barcelona - Palau St. Jordi
28.06.2008 SP - Madrid - Rock in Rio Madrid
29.06.2008 P - Lisbon - Atlantico
05.07.2008 MC - Monaco Open Air / Le Port
06.07.2008 I - Rom Fiesta - Open Air
11.07.2008 I - Modena - Parco Novi Sad
12.07.2008 CH - Genf - Stade de Geneve
13.07.2008 B - Werchter - Werchter Boutique

Söta redan då

(när jag säger "söta" syftar jag på Bill och Tom)

Okej, hur mycket jag än gillar Bill så tycker jag kanske att det här var lite väl feminint. Okej, han kanske var lite söt i den men... nej. Har precis börjat acceptera att han har långa naglar vilket jag egentligen inte tycker att killar ska ha, men men. Om han tycker det är fin så får ju han så klart ha det/den.
Vad tycker ni?

What more can I say?

Jag ska vara en utav dom!

Ny skiva i höst!

Bill has a little problem
Ähh, va det där typ falskt?
Hörni, helt seriöst! Det är inte kul! Sluta!
*Bara för att dom inte kan sjunga...*
Världens finaste människa!

Have you seen it?

Jag hade tänkt att köpa TH-dvderna men vilken är bäst? Jag ska nog önska mig Zimmer av mina kompisar (har precis fyllt år) och så får jag väll köpa de andra två själv. Min kompis har Leb die sekunde och den är ju på tyska, men förstår man hyfsat i alla fall? Någon som har den/sett den?
Skriv gärna en komentar!

Someone who knows?

Någon som vet var jag kan köpa en sån TH-tröja som Bill har på sig? Det ska vara med dragkedja.
I'm getting blind

Dirty hotel story
Haha, Tom verkar tycka att det är kul!
I can feel it, but I can't touch it

You gotta do the cooking by the book
Always with you
You will always be in my heart! Fûr immer und ewig!