♥ ♥ ♥
Grattis Georg!

Idag fyller Georg 22 år!! Grattis!!! Hoppas din dag rockar!♥
Du är allt det som jag är...

Denna bild är photoshopad av användaren Mallä på Tycker att dikten var riktigt fin och passar perfekt till Bill och Tom.
Ett måste för alla TH-fans!
Denna texten har Louise Norman skrivit om det här fåniga att vissa TH-fans inte vill rösta på TH bara för att dom är i Amerika. Läs den! Den är väldigt bra!
I just wrote a text, because I got a little upset..
Tokio Hotel Fans from all over europe.
I understand that some of you are angry because tokio hotel decided to do another tour in amerika instead of replasing all the concerts that had been cancelled.
But If we love our boys, if we wish them all the luck in the world, if we have pushed them and supported them this far, why stop now?
Their dream has been to get famous in amerika and tokio , and luckily , they succeeded with america.
I am from Sweden and I counted down from 108 days to 9 when the first concert in sweden got cancelled, my world was shutten down..
and I had no possibility to get farer then germany because of money, so my waiting for 2 years had been for nothing.
And when they did another tour in america, I got like "whaaat?" and a little chocked, because I believed they would give us the concerts they
promised, but at the same time I knew that It Is Universal records that decide where the boys shall play because of how their album are selling and
If It starts selling good they do more publicity for the boys buy bringing the boys there, and look at them!
They are bigger then ever and we, their fans are actually complaining about it?
Tom,Bill,Georg and Gustav have fought so hard to get this far and now their dream is on its way to come true!
Now can Bill get out with his feelings,words and music out to the whole world!
Now there are 2 awards where tokio hotel are nominated, and that is "EMA" and "VMA" . The boys really think these awards are big and they are
holding their hands together and really hoping that they are going to win, and some of us fans dont wote because they are mad at amerikan fans?Jealous is what I call it.
some people dont vote because they hate the succes the boys have got in amerika?
Serioulsy, how can you think like that?
When I hear about this, hear how you decide not to vote because you dont want them to get bigger in Amerika, I feel so confused,decieved..
Disappointed and sad. Really really sad.
Can you imagine how the boys will feel If they dont win any award at all, only because the fans are having fights and dont wish the best for the band?
If they dont succed in Amerika now, they will continue until they make it.
So honestly, If we are fans.
If we love tokio hotels music.
If we wish the best for guys.
If we are fans that want all the luck in world for our idols,
then vote, support and be there always.
Think about Bill, when he wrote an deiner seite.
What is the meaning of that song?
The meaning is that no matter where we go, and no matter how far away we are - they are always by our side.
Just like we are being for them!
Do your best..
Be a Tokio Hotel Fan!
Love wishes / Louise Norman - sweden (missnorman på
Så jävla bra text! Nu tycker jag verkligen att alla ska rösta! RÖSTARÖSTARÖSTA!
I just wrote a text, because I got a little upset..
Tokio Hotel Fans from all over europe.
I understand that some of you are angry because tokio hotel decided to do another tour in amerika instead of replasing all the concerts that had been cancelled.
But If we love our boys, if we wish them all the luck in the world, if we have pushed them and supported them this far, why stop now?
Their dream has been to get famous in amerika and tokio , and luckily , they succeeded with america.
I am from Sweden and I counted down from 108 days to 9 when the first concert in sweden got cancelled, my world was shutten down..
and I had no possibility to get farer then germany because of money, so my waiting for 2 years had been for nothing.
And when they did another tour in america, I got like "whaaat?" and a little chocked, because I believed they would give us the concerts they
promised, but at the same time I knew that It Is Universal records that decide where the boys shall play because of how their album are selling and
If It starts selling good they do more publicity for the boys buy bringing the boys there, and look at them!
They are bigger then ever and we, their fans are actually complaining about it?
Tom,Bill,Georg and Gustav have fought so hard to get this far and now their dream is on its way to come true!
Now can Bill get out with his feelings,words and music out to the whole world!
Now there are 2 awards where tokio hotel are nominated, and that is "EMA" and "VMA" . The boys really think these awards are big and they are
holding their hands together and really hoping that they are going to win, and some of us fans dont wote because they are mad at amerikan fans?Jealous is what I call it.
some people dont vote because they hate the succes the boys have got in amerika?
Serioulsy, how can you think like that?
When I hear about this, hear how you decide not to vote because you dont want them to get bigger in Amerika, I feel so confused,decieved..
Disappointed and sad. Really really sad.
Can you imagine how the boys will feel If they dont win any award at all, only because the fans are having fights and dont wish the best for the band?
If they dont succed in Amerika now, they will continue until they make it.
So honestly, If we are fans.
If we love tokio hotels music.
If we wish the best for guys.
If we are fans that want all the luck in world for our idols,
then vote, support and be there always.
Think about Bill, when he wrote an deiner seite.
What is the meaning of that song?
The meaning is that no matter where we go, and no matter how far away we are - they are always by our side.
Just like we are being for them!
Do your best..
Be a Tokio Hotel Fan!
Love wishes / Louise Norman - sweden (missnorman på
Så jävla bra text! Nu tycker jag verkligen att alla ska rösta! RÖSTARÖSTARÖSTA!

DDM 3 år!

GRATTTTTIS!! Världens bästa levande varelser!
Always with you
You will always be in my heart! Fûr immer und ewig!