Bravo # 273

"The best gift we already received from the fans was a star named Tokio Hotel!"
"I like to surf on the net and read the lies that people write about us!"
"I admit that I spend almost a hair spray bottle a day for my hair!"
"If it wasn't me, Tom wouldn't ahve anything to have fun. I inspire him!" (laughs)
"I believe that my brother will be the first to marry and have, at least, 4 childs!"
"The person that I most admire in the group it's Bill. He is fighter!"
"When I want to attract someone, I do some spaghetti with a amazing sauce!"
"I don't like to smile for the camera. Just if someone tickles me!"
"Georg is the one who receives less love declerations! Poor him!"
"I don't know where my brother inspires himself to dress... It might be in the trash"
"If I fall in love, the person will have to understand that the music is my first love!"
"When I I play the guitar I can't stay quiet one second!"
Tokio Hotel: Ett anfall 2009!

"Programmet lovar att vara ansvarig för våra fyra favoriter. Efter en enorm succé av albumena Zimmer 483 och Schrei, förbereder Tokio Hotel oss för trevliga överraskningar inför utsläppet av deras nästa album ... Ny musik som hip-hop, dance och popmusik kommer hitta sin plats i världen hos glam-rock gruppen. Duetter och överraskningar kommer glädja oss med programmet. En vind revolutionen skulle blåsa till musik av Bill, Tom, Gustav och Georg. Man kan även tänka att detta är inte en chans, ifall de valde att namnge deras nästa album Reset. Efter rykten, som började i Tyskland, anklagades dem att spela playback under deras konserter, dessa högutbildade vuxna grabbarna kanske tänker ändra sin image. Vad som är säkert är att efter dem har anspelat Europa och satt sin fot i Usa, har Tokio Hotel som projekt i år att erövra Japan!"
Svensköversättning av ELINA
TH i Japanska Gossip
'' Deras bandnamn Tokio Hotel är inseprerat av staden Tokyo. De två bröderna är tvillingar. Deras musiksinne är inspererad av Visual-Kei musik, men bills frisyr är helt personligt. Nyligen vann dem ett VMA pris för ''Bästa nya artist''.
Dom jobbar på att bli ett internationelt band, utöver America''

Viva live Best of TH (10.08.06)
Gülcan: guys, when i realised that it's about the best bands of the world today, i took some of the posters off the walls at home and i brought along the best of them, the one of Tokio Hotel as you can see. they stand there looking all sexy into the camera and letting their eyes speak. that's what a lot of girls think and they do make good music, too. i really like them. Klaas, do you like them too?
Klaas: mhm...
Gülcan: do you also have their cd's?
Klaas: mmh...
Gülcan: do you also go to their concerts sometimes?
Klaas: mhm...
Gülcan: really?! do you have a mug with their picture on it?
Klaas: mhm...
Gülcan: boah, you're really cool man... but not only Klaas is cool, Tokio Hotel are cool too and they've been in our show quite a few times. here is the best of!
Gustav: it's exciting. i like it when there are people who scream for you... that's cool.
Bill: this is the love nest of Sarah and Marc... their cozy corner. i think Tom wanted to help Marc out a little bit...
Tom: i heard help is needed...
Bill: yeah, help is needed.
Bill: everyone gets dancing girls, Stefan Raab has dancing girls too... everyone but us! i think we should have dancing girls too.
Tom: rehearsing is so boring. there's just nothing special about it.
Bill: yeah, you have to wait all the time...
Tom: rehearsing sucks.
Bill: the fact that the singer usually stands in the front and the others could feel disadvantaged doesn't prove to be true for us. Gustav is rather quiet. he likes to seclude himself and he's glad to be behind the drums and that he doesn't have to go up front. Tom is a real poser with his guitar. so he backs me up on stage. and Georg is the typical bassist, a little reserved, also quiet. and that's who we are, and i think everyone's happy the way it is.
Tom: Bill is the most mysterious one of us. he likes to seclude himself. and when he doesn't feel like taking part in what we do, he just walks off.
Klaas: this is Tokio Hotel!... wait, let me take a picture of you.
Klaas: everything went so fast. i think not even as a viewer you could really understand what was going on and you guys probably even less. it happened overnight. how did that feel?
Bill: i think because it happened so quickly, you can't really tell. it came as a big surprise for us. i think a lot of guys our age dream of seeing their video on Viva...
Klaas (to Tom): you said in an interview "women, great... doesn't matter if they're stupid"... i read that today. tell me, what's this all about?
Tom: well, i'm the type of guy who makes decisions by gut feeling, so i don't pay attention to a certain IQ or something like that. i mean, why would i? people who do too much thinking are not that much fun.
Georg: there's this saying...
Tom: yeah. (laughs)
Bill: shut up.
Klaas: excuse me? say it again with the mic.
Georg: well, there's a saying...
Klaas: yeah, there's this right. you know it. *lol* (must be something bad, i don't know which saying they mean)
Gülcan: i'll ask you questions and we'll see if your answers are the same.
Bill: red means correct and blue means wrong?
Gülcan: yeah, red means "i am"... for example funky, and blue means "i'm quiet".
Bill: ok.
Gülcan: let's get started. first question: are you romantic?
(Bill quickly says yes.)
Tom: uh...
Gülcan: are you? then show... (Tom shows the blue side)... you're not?
Tom: no.
Gülcan: ok.
Bill: what did he show?
Gülcan: well, that's a perfect match... i mean no match.
(Bill turns around to look at Tom's thumb.)
Gülcan: no looking!
Bill shrugs: oh well...
Gülcan: next question: have you ever written a love letter? to a girl?
(Bill again is quick with his answer. what the hell is Tom thinking about? )
Gülcan: you both have. ok, that's a match. can you cook? cause that's important.
(Bill quickly says no.)
Tom: we know how to cook sauce.
Bill: yeah, that's true.
Gülcan: it's a very important question. girls dig that. don't we, girls? (girls agree)
Bill (to Tom): come on, tell the truth.
Tom: can we cook?
Bill: no.
Gülcan: ok guys, say no... alright, it's a match. oh, important question: are you faithful?
(now he's quick. )
Gülcan: both yes, that's great.
Johanna: well, not only the girls in here but also the girls out there have a lot of questions for you. here are some of them.
girl 1: hi Bill, i wanted to ask if you believe that the girl of your dreams could be among the audience at your concerts.
girl 2: i love you so much.
guy: hi Bill, i was wondering if you're also into guys. *lol*
Johanna: ok, we've heard some questions now and one of them was particularly interesting. spit it out!
Bill: which one? the last one, of course. well, certainly not. i used to have a lot of friends who were gay, but me, not at all.
Johanna: have the fans ever done things that made you say "that's going too far"?
Bill: well, there was this girl who slept at the bus station next to our house. that was heavy and i felt sorry too, cause we're hardly ever at home. to meet us there would really be a coincidence. and the girl actually slept there, it was really cold and she was almost frozen to death when they found her the next morning, so that's really heavy.
Klaas: a lot of girls who stand in the front row faint, a hundred of them at autograph sessions... and you see that. what do you think?
Bill: well, we don't usually see that, cause we're focused all the time and... well ok, you can see the first row, but you don't see what's behind them. sometimes there's light and then we get to see them all, but we don't see who's fainting and who's not. i gotta say though, we have a very caring team who makes sure everyone's fine. they give out water, they've also started giving out hot soup for those outside, cause they stand there for hours...
Klaas: it's incredible. like in a refugee camp with blankets and soup...
Bill: right, they also give out blankets...
TH i Budapest
Bill: Actually no longer than the others. I would say around 10-15 minutes for everything . I'm very good at this, so it really goes fast. But there are days where I'm not in the mood to do it and then I look like him (Tom).
Tom: But I still look better but he is talking himself into it.....
Bill: Anyways, we look very similar then.
To Bill: Did you style yourself like this always?
Bill: Always. The boys got to know me like this. We're together since six years now, I think. Tom and I started to make music when we were seven and then we were looking for a bassist and drummer and that was when we met the two six years ago. And they only know me like this. I started really aerly with styling.
Bill and Tom....... aren't you to skinny?
Tom: We can eat what we want to and were always slim. It always was like that.
Bill: Ja, we can eat what we want and just don't gain weight. I think we just burn the calories very well. We were already thinking someone should impose this as a kind of sport, because if you're on stage performing for 90 minutes that is actually high performance sport. And we just played two tours.
What do you say to people who don't like you?
Tom: Basically it's totally normal. It's with every band, I mean we also have bands we don't like and this is really something normal and we respect if people don't like our music. Each of us is listening to different music and ist's no problem.
Bill: We've had the luck that we got a lot freedom. They never restricted something or told us what to do.
Tom: Of course is there always a certain caution because I think parents are always.......
Bill: Surely they worry, but we always had a good relationship. We never had to be scared to say something or we never had to accomodate.
Do you see yourself as superstars?
Bill: I think no one sees himself as superstar but there is no discussion that Germany is in need of superstars. But we ourselves don't see us as superstars. We're the same as before.
Sometimes we even forget and go out on the streets and then we're surprised that people recognize us etc.
I really forget it sometimes that people know me and that I'm famous.
To Tom: Basecaps
Tom: I collect them. I probably have around fifty caps.
Georg and Gustav..... Don't you have to say something?
Georg: We talk less but if we have to say something we do it.
Gustav: We're the more quiet ones of the band and talk not much anyways. So, it's normal.
Översättning: dypnf @THA
Haha, random
Tokio Hotel Viva intervju Weihnachten 08
Tom Kaulitz: ''Jag hatar mina fötter''

Everyone knows that I love everything, especially myself and the girls. But one thing which very few people knows is that I do not like my feets! They are furtunately hidden with my big shoes,so you don't see them very often.
tack för info THR
Bill Kaulitz: Helmut dog i mina armar

Interview on with Tokio Hotel
Diane Warres jobbar med Tokio Hotel!
Diane Warres jobbar med Tokio Hotel!
LOS ANGELES (Billboard) - Diane Warren's office is located near Amoeba Records, the be-all and end-all record store in Hollywood. If one were to go through the stacks with an eye toward creating a Warren compilation, you'd have to visit most of the store: She's written for pop stars, Broadway belters, country crooners, R&B divas and rock legends.And, notably, you'd have to spend lots of time in the soundtracks section. Since 1984, when Laura Branigan's "Hot Night" was featured in "Ghostbusters," Warren has written almost 100 songs that have appeared in films or TV productions. She's been nominated six times for an Oscar, and she won a Grammy in 1997 for the Celine Dion-sung "Because You Loved Me" from the film "Up Close & Personal."
Warren has had 31 songs peak in the top 10 of the Billboard 100, and she remains the industry's go-to songwriter for ballads and love songs across all genres.
"She's the fastest writer," says producer Jerry Bruckheimer, who has used Warren's songs routinely in his movies, perhaps most notably Aerosmith's version of "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" for "Armageddon." "I'll give her an idea or a concept and 24 hours later she'll come back with a song and a demo that she's done."
Her office houses not only Warren's songwriting "cave," but also a dozen employees and her Realsongs publishing company. Every day for 23 years, she's been coming to this building, where she begins writing at 8:30 a.m. -- she feels she's most creative in the morning -- and then spends the afternoon taking meetings with artists and executives.
Veteran label boss Clive Davis, who has used Warren's compositions for Toni Braxton, Whitney Houston and Kelly Clarkson, says he frequently works one-on-one with Warren.
"I see her sing her own songs at the Beverly Hills Hotel in my bungalow," he says. "She sits down at the piano and she emotes it. She feels it -- you see the veins in her neck really expressing all the depth of emotions."
For Warren, it was apparent from childhood what her career choice would be. Raised in the San Fernando Valley ("I'm from Van Nuys, which is so close to Hollywood -- but it's a million miles away," she jokes), she found that she was more fascinated by the songwriter credits on the albums her siblings brought home than the recordings themselves.
She studied at California State University at Northridge, but admits: "I was a total dropout! .. I used to break into the practice rooms to write songs."
Warren recently discussed her projects and creative process.
What are you working on now?
Oh, God, I'm working on so many things. I just did a song for Jennifer Hudson and for the Pussycat Dolls. I have a great song Whitney Houston's doing that I think she's going to sing as her comeback song. It's called "I Didn't Know My Own Strength" and I really wrote it for her -- and I don't really write songs for people a lot of times, but I wrote that for her. She sounds great from what I heard. I'm also working with (German rock band) Tokio Hotel. I just did a song that Akon did, I did something that Sean Kingston's doing, and I'll be working with Leona (Lewis) and Chris Brown on their upcoming albums.
I just did something real big for Jerry Bruckheimer's new movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic." It's a really cute movie.
This time I saw the movie. I'd always rather see the movie because I have ADD and reading a script is hard. (With a script) it's like, "And then we cut to . . . and then we . . . da, da, da . . .," and it's like, "Oh, God, just get to the end, let's write the song already." I saw the movie a few weeks ago and went back to my office and wrote a really cool song. I'm excited and he loves it -- Jerry Bruckheimer is kind of hard to please. He knows what he wants and he's really smart. I'd rather have that -- at least there's a point of view and a vision.
"There You'll Be" is a hit again in England. Here's a song I wrote for "Pearl Harbor" that was a massive worldwide hit for Faith Hill seven years ago. I was talking to somebody about it and they said, "Did you write 'There You'll Be'?" and I go, "Yeah," and he told me where to look on (U.K. talent competition show) "X Factor" and he says, "Your song's in the top five." I go, 'What? Seven years later?"
Well, what it was, was that this young girl who auditioned with "There You'll Be" and her mother had passed away and she was talking about it and it was really emotional. One of the judges -- not Simon (Cowell) of course -- this woman judge cried and then they played a tiny bit of the Faith Hill version. It was really touching, and now it's on the top five. That's the power of a great song and a touching performance. It's never going to stop. What's never going to stop is people touched by a great song, however they do it or see it. When something is undeniable it's going to resonate.
I'm writing some of my best songs right now. I know when I'm done because it tells me that it's done. It's weird; they have their own mind. I'm not one of those people that rewrite constantly, I just know when the song is done -- but I'm going to get it as perfect as it can be till then . . . But then of course it can get f---ed up by the producers at the top of the company. When I'm done with it, it's perfect in my eyes, and then it's not up to me anymore. Sadly.

Postat av schnee@tha
oops! Star Guide - Tokio Hotel
Buzznet Nyheter
Tokio Hotel NOT Collaborating with Miley Cyrus (Also, Bill Won't Get Naked)
So, ever since rumors hit the internet that German rockers and MTV's Best New Artist of 2008, Tokio Hotel, were supposedly going into the studio to collaborate with Disney pop rocker Miley Cyrus, you'd have thought the Apocalypse had finally come. And while that happening would probably not be the end of the world (Gabe Saporta hasn't sent out the party invitations yet), we won't have to test the theory anytime soon. Because in an interview, Tokio Twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz have let their fans know that the rumored collaboration is just that: a rumor.
Tom was quick to say that the rumors were totally untrue, but Bill added a little more commentary on the situation. "Yeah no. Nothing is planned. We just met her at the VMAs, and she's very cool, but no. There's no duet or something planned."
Which makes perfect sense since, while there might be a bit of a crossover audience and while the duet would likely be pretty damn good, despite what critics of either act would say, odds are Tokio Hotel is still a little too "rock" for the image Miley is expected to portray while under contract to Disney. And no, let's not get into the leaked pictures while talking about her image. Actually, let's not talk about her image. Let's talk about something that will HOPEFULLY distract you from bashing Miley in the comments (just don't, guys, please? Come on, Bill thinks she's cool!).

Actually, "naked" might not be accurate, but when asked about his new tattoo, Bill apologized for not being able to show it off. The ink took four hours in a tattoo parlor and is reportedly huge. However, the article had no accompanying pictures because, as Bill said, in order to show it off "I have to take off all my clothes." Supposedly video should be out sooner or later with a preview, but unfortunately it looks like it might be awhile until we see the whole thing.
Bill's a nice guy, though. He did let us know that the tattoo is of German words. Tom happily provided a translation: "in German it means ‘Tom is my idol.'"
What do you think? Should Bill suck it up and show us his ink? What would you consider bribing him with in order to get a clear glimpse? Left over Halloween candy, maybe?
Buzzworthy - Exclusive interview with Tokio Hotel
Halloween med Tokio Hotel
Tom Kaulitz survives Zombies?
Tom Kaulitz Survives Zombie Apocalypse Like Will Smith - Tokio Hotel will be in flight back to Germany on Halloween, but they still have some tips on how to celebrate Halloween ‘08. Tom Kaulitz and Bill Kaulitz have an extremely unique style 365 days of the year, but they still dressed up in costume on Halloween as a child find out what they wore.
Buzznet: What is the stupidest couple costume?
Tom: (laughing) Milli Vanilli...
Buzznet: What is your scariest Halloween memory?
Bill: There was a Halloween party in an old, empty house - like a ruin - close to a train station. And that was really scary!
Buzznet: What is the best costume you had as a kid?
Gustav: I actually never got dressed up for Halloween.
Georg: I always liked to go as a pirate.
Bill: Vampire ...
Tom: (laughing) Executioner and porn star.
Buzznet: If you're too old to trick-or-treat what do you recommend doing on Halloween?
Tom: Just go to a really great party and get lost ...
Buzznet: What will you be doing on Halloween this year?
Bill: We will be in flight back home.
Buzznet: What is the best movie to watch on Halloween?
Tokio Hotel: "Saw IV"
Buzznet: If this Halloween turns into a Zombie Apocalypse, how would you survive?
Tom: We'll do it like Will Smith in "I Am Legend".
Bravo Neox → Spain [28. 10. 2008]
Giga interview (2005)
Part 2
Part 3
Durch Den Monsun
Artikel om MTVLA!
Tokio Hotel, vinnarna av Best song är tacksamma över stödet från sina fans.
Guadelajara, Jalisco,
Tokio hotel fick inte bara den tungan, vid Los Premios MTV LatinoAmericanos 2008, för ”Bästa låt” (Monsoon), deras fans van priset för bästa fan klubb.
Något som inte borde förvåna någon, deras fans stannade hela natten vid Guadelajaras flygplats, väntade på sina unga tyska idoler.
”Helt säkert, det här händer just för att vi har de bästa fansen i värden och vi är så glad för att vi har fans i så många länder, som här i mexico”, sa bandets vokalist.
Tom, å andra sidan, sa att en av hans stora önskningar är att få komma tillbaks till Mexico, för att åter få vara bland fansen som varken åt eller gick på toa, bara väntade på dem, för att deras sena ankomst gjorde en del fans lite lesdna.
En sak som överraskade Tyskarna och även Mexicanerna var att all fanatism inte skrämde dem, något de har bekräftat.
”Nej, det skrämmer inte oss och det förvånar oss inte (hur mycket beundra det finns för dem i landet) vi är väldigt glada över att ha många fans, och lite extra glada över att ha många här i Mexico, det är något väldigt imponerande” sa Bill, ” Första gången vi var här, gav vi 10 000 autografer och det var helt otroligt att det fans så många fans här.”
Men det var inte bara fantasterna enbart som fick de matt komma hit, har killarna erkänt, de ville värkligen se några av sina favorti band på Auditorio Telmex's scen.
”Gustav är verkligen ett stort Metallica fan, så han ville se dem” sa Bill, med ett stort leende och all den make up som fått massor av mexicansa unga flickor att falla för honom, flickor som så gärna ville se en konsert med dem.
” Nästa år, då kommer vi tillbaks, nu håller vi på att spela in ett nytt album och vi hr inga datum ännu, men någon gång under nästa år kan vi komma tillbaks hit” avslutar han.
Tack till Kaa@thf för översättningen + för att du postade detta
Tokio Hotel Interview 2008
Tokio Hotel: Is Gustav forgotten?

"Tokio Hotel" Gustav was seen with a pretty blonde.
Tokio Hotel is currently one of the most successful groups from Germany. At every international awards creams the guys to front man Bill Kaulitz countless prices. But her private life is not much reported. Supposedly all the guys are single.
Tokio Hotel and the women
A few weeks ago betrayed front man Bill, that he eagerly wants a girlfriend. Gustav - his band colleague and drummer of the band - it seems to be one step ahead. Indeed, according to the Bild-Zeitung, Gustav was in Los Angeles next to a pretty blonde. The two seemed very familiar, comfortably ran through the streets of the American metropolis. One can therefore eager to see whether it develops something ...