TH at VMA with PCD

TH med PCD
TH & Miley Cyrus animationer
Sweeties på VMA

Bill, bäst klädd på VMA
Mycket tycktes handla om Tokio Hotel på MTV VMA i år, och än verkar det inte vara slut. Nu har Yahoo! skrivit ihop en lista på de bäst och sämst klädda kändisarna under den gångna galan. Vem kan ha varit en av de lyckliga som vunnit titeln som Bäst klädd ... ? Jo, Bill Kaulitz, så klart! Så här skriver Yahoo! om grunden till sitt bedömande:
"Vokalisten Bill Kaulitz hade roligt på Röda mattan, och vi kan bara applådera hans känsla för mode samt galna hårstil!"
New Video: See Tokio Hotel's Big, Fat American VMA Adventure Through Their Eyes
You've probably watched it so many times now that your brain's starting to feed on itself, but just in case you haven't reached that point yet, see Tokio Hotel's big VMA night from start to finish - from their big red carpet arrival to their big win - through "ihre augen." (My German sucks if you couldn't tell. What's German for "suck," by the way?) Plus, it looks even better on the MTV player, nein?
Mer VMA-bilder
FNMTV Flashback
In the monstrous melee that was Tokio Hotel's big night at the VMAs, let us not overlook their pre-Best New Artist appearance on the final episode of FNMTV (RIP, June 13 - September 5, 2008).
Watch Bill, Tom, George and Gustav make their VMA predictions (in perfect English!) and express their desires to meet Pink and Danity Kane.
Plus - James Montgomery nearly robs Britney of a VMA and Tim Kash fans the fires of the nearly defunct Jonas-Tokio feud.
I just have to ask, what do you think of Bills naills? To girlie or really hothothot?

Bills handske från VMA
RTL screens [12.09.08] VMA
VMA After Party med Ryan Seacrest
KTLA Los Angeles Interview
Högkvalitéts-bilder från VMA
Panic at the disco's favorit moment på VMA? Tokio Hotels entré!
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You Tokio Hotel fans glued to your TVs last Sunday during the VMAs? You weren't the only ones wowed by Tokio Hotel's big red carpet entrance atop a "loud," "dangerous" monster truck.
Panic At the Disco, pictured above in a photo I snapped on my BlackBerry on the VMA back lot, arrived early (more on their arrival and how Sway tracked everyone via the Swaychopper and the magical <strike>stalking</strike> tracking powers of VehiclePath GPS at the Newsroom blog) and caught a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Tokio Hotel getting primped for their arrival and getting into position on their VMA monster truck.
And how do I know this? Because Ryan Ross blogged about it on Panic's new blog, We're So Blogging, which you should go read. I just bookmarked it. I know I just did!
Check out VMA video footage of Panic At the Disco checking in with Sway from inside their 16-passenger van in the VMA limo line, and then watch Tokio Hotel's subtle, subdued VMA arrival for the umpeen billionf time.
Tokio Hotel on the Red Carpet
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Animationer från VMA