More voting

Hallo! :) We're reminding you about the TMF Awards 2008 that will happen on October 11th. The nominees are chosen and Tokio Hotel are one of them: Best Male Artist - Internacional: Bill Kaulitz Best Pop - Internacional: Tokio Hotel Best Video - Internacional: Tokio Hotel, with Don't Jump. You can only vote by SMS. Every category (two on each page) are subdivided: national and international. To move on to the next page, click "Volgende categorieën". To validate your vote, make sure you press "Finish" on the last page. Then, you'll have to fill a form (the * fields are required): Voornaam: First Name Naam: Last Name Straat: Street Huisnr.: Number Postcode Woonplaats: Address Email Accept the Terms and Conditions of TMF, and then press "Verzend":

Bravo nr.40/2008
Germany, France, England or the U.S.: No matter where the guys show up - everywhere the same scenes: fans, who totally freak out, who scream the names Bill (19), Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg (21), who can sing the songs along. Many TH-fans go even further, making clear offers their darlings - for example on gross poster slogans: "F**k me through the monsoon" or "Tom, we want to give you a blow job" are almost harmless. In the fifth part of the great BRAVO-series, the boys reveal exclusively what there's real - between them and the fans.
BRAVO: What are you saying about the partial hard slogans of your fans?
TOM: I think it's cool, that our fans are so directly (grins).
BILL: That makes our fans. But to be honest: Initially, we were sometimes short of breath.
BRAVO: What were the most beautiful experiences so far with your fans?
BILL: The first gig after "Durch den Monsun" was published - and suddenly so many fans were singing the song along. The concert had even canceled, because the crowd was too big. This has overwhelmed me!
TOM: Just until we were in Mexico. Once we had about two hours to write autographs. The fans were so touched, and many have even cred, just because we were there. It was so gross. We were also previously been in the South American countries and didn't know, that we are so known. And suddenly there were thousands of people. It was really unbelievable.
BRAVO: Were there once really gross situations with fans?
TOM: Oh yes. In Madrid once the situation was out of control. Gustav went into his hotel room. But in his bed were already fans. They were fallen Gustav directly around his neck and he has become so frightened. At Bills and my room were already quite a lot in front of the door. They constantly knocked, they climbed up the fire brigade, have totally screamed.
BILL: Then suddenly the police appeared. They have entered the door and drag me out of the room. "Are you Bill Kaulitz?" they have screamed. Then they took my hands together, interrogated me and claimed that I was responsible for the chaos. The problem was: They couldn't speak English, they only spoke Spanish. I hardly understood anything. Then Tom tried to contact our security people. When they arrived, the matter could be resolved. The police really wanted to take me to their police station.
BRAVO: But here, the fans went too far, or?
BILL: Well, that was traumatic and violent.
TOM: But since we were holding on as a band - then it bothers us really not. That's just a part of it and makes us not be afraid or so. While it was already gross, but also actually funny again. But if we are at home, we're glad about tranquility. Then we're not giving autographs and taking photos. But if we're on the road, we're doing this for sure.
BRAVO: Were you already nasty to your fans?
TOM: So we would never be knowingly nasty to our fans. They are too important for us.
BILL: We certainly never wanted to do something nasty to them. We love them. But everyone has a bad day and looks bad. Sometimes we just couldn't give everyone an autograph. Then we're in stress and must continue to the next appointment. We're constantly on the road for our fans and we're for sure no assholes.
BRAVO: Hand on the heart - were there also some embarrassing moment with your fans?
TOM: Nope. Only once, a girl wanted to come with me to my hotel room and fell down on the way.
BILL: Or the scene at the airport: There were girls screaming "We want to f**k you" - right in the dead silence there. That was then embarrassing, but more for them.
BRAVO: Tom, how many groupies did you have had in your bed?
TOM: Hmmm, that's really difficult to say. I don't count.
BILL: Yeah, but he has such a clicker (laughs)!
TOM: What I can say, I had more often a woman in my bed than I was on the toilet (laughs loud). No, nonsense! Now seriously: I'm even become somewhat quieter.
BRAVO: That means ... ?
TOM: I still don't get it by myself - but perhaps with 19 I already rejected the horns. Not that sex would become boring. But I also prefer watching a DVD in the evening. The other is indeed very strenuous (grins). Meanwhile, I could even imagine something stronger. But the girl really would have to strike me.
BRAVO: And how about the groupies by Georg and Gustav? Are they so wildly like Tom?
TOM: As far as we know, there is nothing (laughs)!
BILL: There are no guys, which represent a girl. Gustav had at the beginning of our career a girlfriend. But even then was nothing more.
TOM: Georg is doing so as if he were a macho. But he prefers it, when she's offensive.
BILL: Inside, he's dirty but outwardly too shy.
TOM: You have to show him what's happening. There were for sure already some girls, who liked him and the other way too. But none did the first step. With me it's different - I belong to the hunters and collectors.
BRAVO: And what about you, Bill - there was still no kiss for you?
BILL: No, not yet. That totally makes me really sad. I'm 19 now and that's missing me completely. I'd really like to have a girlfriend, with whom I could share my life, whom understands everything, what I do. Although I have Tom. But I absolutely want a girlfriend.
BRAVO: But the offer is huge for you?
BILL: It's difficult to open yourself to someone. I have no time, I'm always on the road. When I meet on a after-show-party girls, I never know what they really want. I also see in the near future no way - that's bad. But I still have the music, this is my backup. And dogs are my substitutes. Sometime, I want to have many dogs. They make me happy.
Vote vote vote!
''headliner'' Vi kan rösta endast till den 2 november, så leute för killarna nu!
vi gör dom stolta!
The voting has begun and we can only vote until the 2 novembre!! Votevotevote!!
Top of the Pops → Köln (26. 01. 2006)
Backstage photos (2006)

VIVA - Best of bands (10. 08. 2008)
Closeup (the waxdoll)

Pictures from Madame T.
"Jens Koch" photoshoot → Hamburg (30. 08. 2007)
Bills waxdoll
The perfect picture

The Roxy photoshoot
Sweet! [Köln - 15.05.07]
Bill - a thief?
Bill without a doubt listened a lot to Björk as a young boy,and he looks exactly like her. Tokio Hotel have been doing great recently and specially in America. The band recently won an award on the VMA that was held in Los Angeles recently.
Last years Björk has been using a lot of thick ‘eyeliner' at appearances and you can basically say that Bill stole her look. Bill is hardly seen without thick eyeliner and make-up. And his eyebrows are exactly the same as Björk's. Bill is also very feminin. But that doesn't seem to get the girls off him. He and the other members talk a lot about their after concerts one night stands. Maybe some of his one night stands have thought: "He reminds me of someone, but who?"(at least not her<.< )
(men vi THfans vet att bills look är 100% han, inget kopierande här inte..)
Bill Kaulitz at Madame Tussauds
Bill Kaulitz waxdoll has première tuesday septembre 30 at Madame Tussauds in Berlin!
RTL letar partner åt Bill!
He is young, successful, famous - and Bill Kaulitz (19) still has no girlfriend. He is the singer of Tokio Hotel, and he has so much fans.
But everything is worse: Bill hasn't kissed anybody since 3 years now. The reason is: "I'm not such a lovelance", he said in the youth magazine "Bravo". "That totally makes me sad."
Thousands of girls are waiting outside, and they would do anything to kiss the superstar. But "poor" Bill is devastated: "I am now 19 and i really miss it. I'd really like to have a girlfriend, with whom I can share my life." wants to solve Bill's kiss-problem and searches a kissing-partner for him.
Send your application with a photo, a video or a letter in which you explain why are you the right girlfriend for him.

Hysteria [Bill Kaulitz]
Några slags wallpaper
E!'s Daily Ten
Augusti 2008
Yeahy! Tokio Hotel are nominated in the category Headliner at EMA!
We got some great news today! Tokio Hotel are nominated in the category Headliner at EMA 2008! That means that they have at least one chans to win a price. Other bands like Foo Fighters, Linkin Park, Metallica and The Cure are also nominated in the same category so we really have to vote now!! We will know if the guys are nominated in the category Best act ever at october 29.
Kate Perry to Tokio Hotel: You're so gay
Katy Perry dedicated her song "You're so gay" to Tokio Hotel during her consert i Berlin at september 17. Relly childish!

Dom här sitter på mina väggar... dels
Tom <3 iPhone

Screens from TH-TV 45
The worlds best twins!
Jag vill också kunna!
Tokio Hotel TV - Chillin' In Vegas!!! [Episode 45]
Here is the new episode og Tokio Hotel TV. It was fairly fun, actully! TH-TV is still abite fucked up, so that's why I'm linking (lol, what's the word for länkar?).
Tokio Hotel TV - Chillin' In Vegas!!! [Episode 45]
Hot guys live!
The Rasmus anklagar TH för stöld!
Jag tycker det här är ganska töntigt!
I en interjuv nämner killarna i the rasmus att TH har
snott lite av deras låt ''not like the others girl'' och låten
dom menar att killarna i TH ska ha snott är spring nicht.
Här är en del av interjuven
Interviewer: What do you think about the band Tokio Hotel?
Lauri (singer of The Rasmus): We love them (laughs)
Ummm I think … I don’t know too much about this band.
Interviewer:Are they big in Finland?
Lauri: Yeah! I think that they’re quite huge in Finland. But there’re only one thing that I know for sure that they stole our rift.
Interviewer: Which one?
Lauri: It’s a song called “Spring Nicht”, yeah… It’s exactly like a rift in our song “Not Like the Other Girls”… Actually we got that from the fans… The Rasmus’s fans . They send us, they made like a video where they edited those two songs after each other.
Interviewer: Very interesting…
Lauri: Yes! … I wish all the best for the band.. I think they have a good atittude and… some talent to get very far.
Här är The rasmus låt ''not like others girls''
Och här är Spring nicht med TH
Haha, så söt! Afterparty VMA

De Bravo 40: Sanningen om fans och groupies! + Nicole: "Jag beundrar Tokio Hotel"
Sanningen om fans och groupies!
Del 1 av 2. Översättning av:
Germany, France, England or the U.S.: No matter where the guys show up - everywhere the same scenes: fans, who totally freak out, who scream the names Bill (19), Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg (21), who can sing the songs along. Many TH-fans go even further, making clear offers their darlings - for example on gross poster slogans: "F**k me through the monsoon" or "Tom, we want to give you a blow job" are almost hamrless. In the fifth part of the great BRAVO-series, the boys reveal exclusively what there's real - between them and the fans ...
What are you saying about the partial hard slogans of your fans?
TOM: I think it's cool, that our fans are so directly (grins).
BILL: That makes our fans. But to be honest: Initially, we were sometimes short of breath..
What were the most beautiful experiences sp far with your fans?
BILL: The first gig after "Durch den Monsun" was published - and suddenly so many fans were singing the song along. The concert had even canceled, because the crowd was too big. This has overwhelmed me!
TOM: Just until we were in Mexico. Once we had about two hours to write autographs. The fans were so touched, and many have even creid, just because we were there. It was so gross. We were also previously never in the South American country and didn't know, that we are so known. And suddenly there were thousands of people. It was really unbelievable.
Were there once really gross situations with fans?
TOM: Oh yes. In Madrid once the situation was out of control. Gustav went into his hotel room. But in his bed were already fans. They were fallen Gustav directly around his neck and he has become so frightened. At Bills and my room were already quite a lot in front of the door. They have constantly knocked, they climbed up the fire brigade, have totally screamed.
BILL: Then suddenly the police appeared. They have entered the door and drag me out of the room. "Are you Bill Kaulitz?" they have screamed. Then they took my hands together, interrogated me and claimed that I was responsible for the cahos. The problem was: They couldn't speak English, they only spoke Spanish. I hardly understand something. Tom has then tried to contact our security people. When they arrived, the matter could be resolved. The police really wanted me to take to their police station.
But here, the fans went too far, or?
BILL: Well, that was traumatic and violent..
TOM: But since we were holding on as a band - then it bothers us really not. That's just a part of it and makes us not be afraid or so. While it was already gross, but also actually funny again. But if we are at home, we're glad about tranquility. Then we're not giving autographs and taking photos. But if we're on the road, we're doing this for sure.
Were you already nasty to your fans?
TOM: So we would never be knowingly nasty to our fans. They are too much important for us.
BILL: We certainly never wanted to do something nasty to them. We love them. But everyone has a bad day and looks bad. Sometimes we just couldn't give everyone an autograph. Then we're in stress and must continue to the next appointment. We're constantly on the road for our fans and we're for sure no assholes.
Hand on the heart - were there also some embarrassing moment with your fans?
TOM: Nope. Only once, a girl wanted to come with me to my hotel room and fall down on the way.
BILL: Or the scene at the airport: There were girls screaming "We want to f**k you" -
right in the dead silence there. That was then embarrassing, but more for them.
Tom, how many groupies did you have had in your bed?
TOM: Hmmm, that's really difficult to say. I don't count.
BILL: Yeah, but he has such a clicker (laughs)!
TOM: What I can say, I had more often a woman in my bed than I was on the toilet (laughs loud).
No, nonsense! Now seriously: I'm even become somewhat quieter.
That means..?
TOM: I still don't get it by myself - but perhaps with 19 I already rejected the horns. Not that sex would become boring. But I also prefer watching a DVD in the evening. The other is indeed very strenuous (grins). Meanwhile, I could even imagine something stronger. But the girl really would have to strike me.
And how about the groupies by Georg and Gustav? Are they so wildly like Tom?
TOM: As far as we know, there is nothing (laughs)!
BILL: There are no guys, which represent a girl. Gustav had at the
beginning of our career a girlfriend. But even then was nothing more.
TOM: Georg is doing so as if he were a macho. But he prefers it, when she's offensive.
BILL: Inside, he's dirty but outwardly too shy.
TOM: You have to show him what's happening. There were for sure already some girls, who liked him and the other way too. But none did the first step. With me it's different - I belong to the hunters and collectors.
And what about you, Bill - there was still no kiss for you?
BILL: No, not yet. That totally makes me really sad. I'm 19 now and that's missing me completely. I'd really like to have a girlfriend, with whom I could share my life, whom understands everything, what I do. Although I have Tom. But I absolutely want a girlfriend.
But the offer is huge for you?
BILL: It's difficult to open yourself to someone. I have no time, I'm always on the road. When I meet on a after-show-party girls, I never know what they really want. I also see in the near future no way - that's bad. But I still have the music, this is my backup. And dogs are my substitutes. Sometime, I want to have many dogs. They make me happy...
De Bravo #40: Nicole: "Jag beundrar Tokio Hotel"
Del 2 av 2. Översättning av: Pat på THA.
I admire Tokio Hotel.
What a compliment. Worldstar Nicole is Impressed by Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav.
who would have thought. Nicole Scherzinger (30), leadsinger of the Pussycatdolls "and an absolute worldstar, outed herself as a fan from one of german's bands, Tokio Hotel! In an exclusive Bravo Interview she says: "I admire the boys completely! They are really great." But how and when did she find out about Bill, Tom, Gustav and georg? "At the MTV Europe music awards 2007 in Munchen", she says. at the mega event in november last year, the 4 Madgeburger boys and the US-singer crossed paths for the first time and they talked a long time at the after show party. In february, Nicole actually visited a Tokio Hotel concert in Los Angeles, CA. "the boys are fantastic. I love their performances". Then they finally met up again at the VMA's in Los Angeles, where Tokio Hotel won the award for best new artist. Again the 30 year old was fascinated by the boys. "I think they are totally talented. The boys are simply totally fresh. They are so different and new. that is cool." Appearently so cool that the singer is seriously thinking about working together with Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav. "I used to be in a rockband, because of that i can imagine recording a rocksong with them". And what does the singer think about the career opportunities of the boys in America? would they be able to make their Big Breakthrough? "They have just been to the USA for a short while. But they were a big hit right away! I am so proud of them". Wow, and that from the mouth of a PussyCatDoll. At this moment she herself is very succesfull worldwide with her girls: with the hit single: when I grow up from the new album, Doll domination. But maybe soon Nicole will be in the top ten with a new Rock Song. As co-singer with Tokio Hotel...
Number One 37-2008 - HQ
TH on Présentation Spéciale
This Saturday's episode of Présentation Spéciale on Musique Plus will be about Tokio Hotel in America. I think this channel is only available to those in Québec, so I hope you all enjoy it and make sure to check it out! For more info, translated by Gloria of our forums, look below the break.
saturday at 10pm, sunday at 2am and sunday at 12pm
Tokio Hotel - Live From Hollywood - Tokio Hotel are offering you a performance recorded at the Avalon Hollywood in California. This phenomenal German band has incredible success in Europe, with 2 albums and 4 songs that were in the top of the charts. They're also playing sold out shows, that are making them the biggest band coming from Germany in the 20 last years. The melodic rock of Tokio Hotel alternates between heavy rhythms, guitar melodies and introspective ballads. Their concerts also include the songs Ready Set Go, By Your Side and Don't Jump.
Direct taken from
Help Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg get their hands on a "Los Premios MTVLA" Award! The guys are nominated in the following four categories and you can make them #1 in each of them by casting your vote today!!!
> Best New International Artist
> Song of the Year - Monsoon
> Best Ringtone - Monsoon
> Best Fanclub
IMPORTANT: The rules say that you need to vote in all categories for your votes to count!!!
2. En interjuv där The rasmus pratar lite om killarna! A interview when the Rasmus talks a bit about Tokio Hotel.
NRJ Music Awards 2008
I'm sure that most of you know about the webside It's a webside where you can find facts about almost everything. is the new side for all the TH-fans. Check it out here!
HQ pictures from Mexico 30.8.2008
JB Kerner Show (2007) - HQ

"Blurb mera" tyska Vanity Fair

Angekommen "Wir haben eigentlich keine Chance", sagte Tokio-Hotel-Manager David Jost noch einen Tag vor der Verleihung der MTV Video Awards in L.A. zu VANITY FAIR. Selten wird sich Jost so gern geirrt haben. Denn die Magdeburger Combo um Sänger Bill Kaulitz (18), die als erste deutsche Band bei den VMA nominiert worden war, gewann den "Best New Artist"-Preis. Jetzt ist es wohl nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis Kaulitz auch den amerikanischen Charterfolg seines Idols Nena übertrumpft: Die schafftre es einst, dort mit einem deutschen Titel ("99 Luftballons") auf Platz zwei zu landen.
Svensk google translate:
anlände "Vi har faktiskt ingen chans" säger Tokio hotel's manager David Jost en dag före MTV Video Awards galan i LA till Vanity Fair. Sällan har Jost gjort ett misstag. Eftersom Magdeburg Combo att sångaren Bill Kaulitz (18), den första kanadensiska bandet på VMA kandidaterna hade vunnit "Best New Artist"-priset. Nu är det förmodligen bara en tidsfråga tills Kaulitz också den amerikanska diagram framgången för hans idol Nena übertrumpft: Den schafftre den en gång och sedan med en tysk titel ( "99 Luftballons") på andra plats att landa.
Tack till Linn Bodin!
Tokio Hotel -- a foursome whose origins date back to 2001 -- are fronted by spiky-haired singer Bill Kaulitz, 19. His identical twin brother, Tom, is the band's guitarist.
Together with their slightly older rhythm section, Georg Listing and Gustav Schaefer, the brothers have sold almost 3 million CDs and DVDs, packing venues throughout Europe and Japan.
Girls in such countries as Poland and France are learning German in order to understand Bill Kaulitz's lyrics of teenage disaffection. In Israel, where editorial writers worried about the historical ramifications, tens of thousands of fans signed a petition to get Tokio Hotel to play in Tel Aviv last year, and the band obliged -- to a huge open-air crowd.
In the United States, the band's English-language album "Scream" peaked at No. 39 on the Billboard 200, and they won the fan-voted best new artist award at the MTV Video Music Awards in Hollywood earlier this month. The Los Angeles Times described Tokio Hotel as a "young emo-glam outfit" who sound like "the Jonas Brothers covering Guns N' Roses."
Tokio Hotel owe their success to "the professional and meticulous work of a team of producers and managers who maintain control over their 'product' at all times," German music journalist Olaf Tost says.
"Bill Kaulitz, with his androgynous, vulnerable and yet energy-laden persona, is something of an emotional anchor in the sea of teenage angst for his fans," Tost adds.
One of the main members of the Tokio team, producer and co-writer David Jost, describes meeting Bill Kaulitz for the first time as a life-changing event. "I was 100% certain they were going to break the roof in Germany," he said. "I would have bet the whole German music and media industry on this. But of course I never expected this thing to take off internationally."
The U.S. fan base was built mostly via the Tokios' YouTube channel, updated with professionally made and English-subtitled videos at least once a week. The intro to the channel declares triumphantly, "It's only a matter of time before the hysteria follows them stateside."
"A band from Germany getting big all over Europe -- with the chance of even more -- that happens every 20 years, maximum," Jost says.
Tost is a bit more skeptical.
"They may have some temporary success in the U.S. But for the long term they might not have the 'special something' -- like (German hard rockers) Rammstein does -- that makes them different from other bands," he says.
LYCKA x1000
There are two people, one from the Danish forum and one from THu's forum, that have written some things about the new album..
Danish fanclub info: (posted on th_cult on LiveJournal)
Hi fellow cult members :) I am posting this here, since I think some of you might wanna know haha. If its not allowed, please delete *__*
Anyways, its not a secret (to some maybe o_O), that I run and own the Danish fanclub (, and I have direct contact to the Danish division of Universal Music. Today, I got so sick and tired of ALL the rumours flying around online, so I called them, and asked them about what they know. So far, this is what they have been told from Tokio Hotel's management.
In november a new DVD will be released. It will be a combination between Live footage (probably from the european tour) and a lot of backstage material. It will be very simple, but with a lot of never-seen-before stuff :D!
About the new album, they have been told to not expect it before sometime in 2009.
This is what they know. You can question my source as much as you want, just thought I'd share what I know. I have no reason to lie about this, and many knows that I do have contact with TH's PR agent in Denmark (ask onverva lol).
I know some of this have been posted on the internet already, just confirming it, once and for all ^^
THus forum member's info:
OK GIRLS. At the moment i´M in germany. I can for sure tell you some things. I can´t tell you from where I know that. But I know it from confident source. I mean , person who REALLY know them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. TOKIO HOTEL HAVE 2 STUDIOS... The studio that all we know near Hamburg isn't their main studio. And one reason why they changed it is because of more and more fans that know the address of it. I DON'T know where is main studio. But they will be in other studio definitely more than one week.
2. ALBUM WOULDN'T BE OVER BEFORE DECEMBER!!!! They are working really hard. And they want that album is really PERFECT!!!
3. PARTY WILL BE DEFINITELY IN GERMANY!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it for sure. But I don´t know in what city.
You can also make your own slideshow with Monsoon.
"Head to and create your own customized photoslideshow with a Tokio Hotel theme and "Monsoon" as the soundtrack! Get creative and create your own slideshow today by clicking HERE!"
Do you wanna win a trip to Los Premios?
Well now you have the chance!
AY DIOS MIOS! I know everyone in Tokio Hotel land is all "traurig" because To Ho's heading back to Germany to work on their next album, but you do know they're making a stop at least somewhat closer to the vicinity of North America next month, right?
Tokio Hotel will be performing live at Los Premios MTV 2008 in Guadalajara, Mexico on Thursday, October 16th, along with Paramore, Katy Perry, Belanova, and Julieta Venegas. And if you don't have an up-to-date passport and frequent flyer miles on Mexicana, you can watch the show on MTV Tr3s at 9pm ET.
AND/OR/ALSO you can enter the T-Mobile Los Premios MTV 2008 Casting Call, where five faithful fans can win a trip to Mexico to hit the "ALFOMBRA ROJA" (did I say that right? "red carpet?") and attend the big show. You can enters September 25th, so more info on that coming soon, I swears it, and yes, it's open to U.S. residents, so YAY AMERICA!! But also YAY brushing up on your Español - time to swap out that Rosetta Stone German CD for the Spanish one. Listas?
+ Get more on Tokio Hotel and Los Premios MTV 2008 (they're like the VMAs but with more exotic accents!) at Blogamole!

Pictures partly from BRAVO
Bill makes advertising for fitness center
The fitness center "Sabina" from Latvia are using Bills eyes in their new advertisement.

Bill in action

Bill med puffiga kinder:P (Los Premios Principales)
Äntligen på Iron Fists hemsida!
Som de flesta av er vet har Bill samt de andra i bandet burit mycket kläder från märket Iron Fist på senaste tiden. (USA-spelningarna). Då Iron Fist fick reda på detta har killarna i bandet erbjudits att bli sponsrade av märket! Iron Fist ville även få med Tokio Hotel (främst Bill som använt mest av deras tröjor) på deras hemsida.
Och äntligen är dagen kommen!
Klicka här för att kolla in Tokio Hotel på Iron Fists hemsida!
Scrolla ner på Fashions snoops så hittar ni grabbsen!
I'm sure that most of you know that Bill and the other guys in the band have been wearing a lot of clothes from Iron Fist. Of course Iron Fist wanted to sponsor TH when they heard about this. Tokio Hotel are now finally at the Iron Fist-webside, so go and check it out here: Tokio Hotel at Iron Fists webside! Go down to "Fashions Snoops" and you will find the guys.
Sweeties på VMA

Som ni kanske märkt kommer jag börja översätta det mesta till engelska nu också eftersom att det finns läsare från andra länder.
Ha det bäst tills dess (haha, rimma typ!)! Kramar!<3
I just wants to tell everyone that this blog is gonna get a little makeover. Sofia are making a new design right now, and I think that it will be aweaome! It will be finished sometime at the end of next week. I really looking forward to this, and i hope you guys will like it. So, check out the result next weekend.
And one more thing. I'm sure that you've all noticed that I have start to translate most of the things that I'm writing here. It's just so all the readers from other countries are gonna understand everything.
Take care until then! Love!
BILD NEWS: Bill and Tom shows their beach hairstyles.
Read what Bild newspaper wrote about Bill and Tom on thei B-day :Tokio Hotel on vacation - Bill and Tom show their beach hairstyles.
Los Angeles. Long mane, dreads, oversized sunglasses and decent amounts of fast food. This is how Bill and Tom Kaulitz of Germany's most adored girl crushes from the band Tokio Hotel relax at the beach. Instead of his finger-in-an-electric socket hairstyle, Bill wears his hair straight and neatly combed back. Sun tanning is so much easier...
The twins are on a Birthday vacation [They turned 19 on the 1st of September] in California - and have just ended their US tour successfully. "Of course America is the biggest for every musician. This is where the best perform. And that we now belong to that is really awesome." say Bill Kaulitz.
New T-shirt!

Extremt fina ögon

Animationer från TH TV epi. 44
Tokio Hotel till mexico.. igen?
AY DIOS MIOS! I know everyone in Tokio Hotel land is all "traurig" because To Ho's heading back to Germany to work on their next album, but you do know they're making a stop at least somewhat closer to the vicinity of North America next month, right?
Tokio Hotel will be performing live at Los Premios MTV 2008 in Guadalajara, Mexico on Thursday, October 16th, along with Paramore, Katy Perry, Belanova, and Julieta Venegas. And if you don't have an up-to-date passport and frequent flyer miles on Mexicana, you can watch the show on MTV Tr3s at 9pm ET.
AND/OR/ALSO you can enter the T-Mobile Los Premios MTV 2008 Casting Call, where five faithful fans can win a trip to Mexico to hit the "ALFOMBRA ROJA" (did I say that right? "red carpet?") and attend the big show. You can enters September 25th, so more info on that coming soon, I swears it, and yes, it's open to U.S. residents, so YAY AMERICA!! But also YAY brushing up on your Español - time to swap out that Rosetta Stone German CD for the Spanish one. Listas?
+ Get more on Tokio Hotel and Los Premios MTV 2008 (they're like the VMAs but with more exotic accents!) at Blogamole!
Så söt! KIIS FM

Bill, bäst klädd på VMA
Mycket tycktes handla om Tokio Hotel på MTV VMA i år, och än verkar det inte vara slut. Nu har Yahoo! skrivit ihop en lista på de bäst och sämst klädda kändisarna under den gångna galan. Vem kan ha varit en av de lyckliga som vunnit titeln som Bäst klädd ... ? Jo, Bill Kaulitz, så klart! Så här skriver Yahoo! om grunden till sitt bedömande:
"Vokalisten Bill Kaulitz hade roligt på Röda mattan, och vi kan bara applådera hans känsla för mode samt galna hårstil!"
Sista dagen att rösta
Det hoppas jag verkligen inte. Det är sista dagen att rösta idag. Vi MÅSTE göra dom nominerade.
Best act ever & Headliner
HQ-pictures from House of Blues, Las Vegas - 22.08.2008
Ni vet


Animationer, JoJo + KIIS FM

Haha, kommer ni ihåg? Fett stolt!
Young Hollywood
Det var ett tag sen. Sachsen - 1.7.2005 - DDM
Glad Gustav, förvånad George

Four-star Hotel
TH i fransk mattebok
Sötaste tvillingarna

Hot Topic


TH Sponsored by "Iron Fist" - The Complete Story Behind It All!
This is direct taken from
Some of you might have heard of the whole Iron Fist thing,
but now that the guys are actually being seen on their page it..s time for us to drop it for real =)
Lets take it from the beginning. This is what it..s about and how it all begun:
I emailed Iron Fist (a clothing brand Bill has been wearing ALOT lately in the US)
and informed them that Bill have been wearing their clothing for quite some time now,
and thought that they would want to know about it.
As I suspected, they had no knowledge of this,
and they were VERY happy to know about it!
They asked me if Bill or any other member would want to have more clothing from the brand,
and if so; they could have it.
So I contacted some ppl to ask if the band would want any more clothing from the brand, and they told me that; Yes, of course they want to =)
So now the cooperation is working on smoothly between Iron and TH.
So now when you can also see them on the Iron Fist Official Homepage, I thought it would be time to tell you the whole story!
Please visit the Homepage to check it all out:
TH på Jimmy Kimmel Live!
New Video: See Tokio Hotel's Big, Fat American VMA Adventure Through Their Eyes
You've probably watched it so many times now that your brain's starting to feed on itself, but just in case you haven't reached that point yet, see Tokio Hotel's big VMA night from start to finish - from their big red carpet arrival to their big win - through "ihre augen." (My German sucks if you couldn't tell. What's German for "suck," by the way?) Plus, it looks even better on the MTV player, nein?
Vanity Fair voting
Translated by Ines @
German Vanity Fair voting
As you may remember, Vanity started a voting in August, to elect the 100 most influential Germans nowadays.
Of course Tokio Hotel were one of the nominees. At the beggining, the band was occupying the third position, which was a cool, but in the first week of September they were in the 97º position.
Luckely, they're up again in the 14º position.
Super Pop nr.340, translated
So will be the new CD!

Yes, it's true! Tokio Hotel are about to release their third album! Check what we found out... Yaay!
We were so excited to tell you this new! After Schrei and Zimmer 483 (both with English versions), the four boys are already working hard on the third album!!! And they promise to not disappoint us...
Sometimes a bad thing brings a good one...
This couldn't be more right... and Tokio Hotel know that well!!! You might remember that Bill had to stay four weeks non-speaking, after his throat surgery... Those were pretty hard days for him and for the band, and they even had to cancel many concerts (including the one in Lisbon). But it was also during that period that Bill started to write new songs, daily!! That period brought him a lot of inspiration, made him think a lot about life and, since he couldn't speak... he wrote! It was that moment of forced break what allowed the born of Tokio Hotel's «new baby»!
Other inspirations!
When they got back on the stages (with the european and american tour), Bill continued on writting... Visiting new countries and meeting different people also brought him so much inspiration! «Bill comes constantly to me with new ideas for songs», says their manager and producer David Jost. «I think that Bill's lyrics are mostly a mix of missing things. We wished to be at home and, at the same time, he always wants to move on.» How sweet...
Little notes!
Bill is constantly having ideas for lyrics and musics, and he write them immediately. «Bill fills up with lyrics each blank space on a piece of paper, that he keeps in his pocket. Mostly of them have an hotel logo on it. He's a little chaotic and has already lost some of this papers. But, unfortunately, he's not interested on writting the ideas on his laptop» says David Jost. Each one works at his own way, lol!
New style!
We also found out that Tokio Hotel are thinking about changing their style a bit. «I want to include songs with new influences and surprise people», Tom said. How cool!!!
[Red Box] Faithful to the origins They're singing in German again
Tokio Hotel are super happy with their success in the USA and in Europe, but they want to keep faithful to their origins and they'll continue on singing in German. Even because it's with the mother tongue that Bill writes better and the fans identify themselves with the songs in German. «The fans want to be as close as possible to Bill. So, they want to understand the texts in German», says the band manager.
Hot Topic [06.09.08]
Artikel om det nya albumet

Yes, it is true! Tokio Hotel are ready to draw a new original album! See what we found ... Yupii!
We are so excited for the new album! After Schrei Zimmer and 483 (both with a version in English), the four boys are working daily on the third disc! And promise not disappointment ...
Things always have a bad end.
This proverb could not say more truth ... Tokio Hotel knows it! perhaps remember when Bill had to stay 4 weeks without talking after the OP from his throat ... Those days were really hard and had to cancel dozens of concerts (including those of Lisbon). But it was then that Bill began to write new lyrics! This gave him much inspiration, which made him think so much about life and, as he could not talk ... write! It was in that moment of pause was the birthday of the "new baby" Tokio hotel!
Other inspirations!
Upon his return to the stage (with the Europeans and Americans), Bill was still writing ... Visit new countries and meet different people also inspired him! "Bill came to talk to me a lot of times with new ideas for music," says director and producer of the band, David Jost. "I think the lyrics of Bill are a mixture of nostalgia. The desire to be at home and at the same time wants to continue ". That sweet ...
Lost papers!
Bill always has new ideas for songs and lyrics and write everything at once. "Bill writes letters in every empty space of a role, which carries in his pocket. In most papers, there is a hotel logo. These will fall and he has already lost some of those documents. But, unfortunately, not the writing is not interested in the ideas portable ‘desbela David Jost. Everyone with his method.
New style!
We also had to discover that Tokio Hotel is thinking about changing a little style. "I want to introduce new music with influences people and surprises," says Tom. Cool!
Back to its origins
They will sing German. Tokio Hotel are very happy with the success they have done in the U.S. and Europe, but they want their origins and kept singing in German. Because it is in the mother tongue in which Bill writes better and the fans identify the origin of the same way. "The fans want to feel closer to Bill. So, want to understand the texts in German, "says the manager of the band.
THR DAILY SPECIAL: The complete Vanity Fair interview!!
Bill Kaulitz, singer of Tokio Hotel, about damaged vocal cords, the drug called fame and his own funeral.
A rule for journalists says that interviewing an 18-years-old is as reasonable as milking a stone. But it's different with Bill Kaulitz. His first kiss or the addiction to fame: the teen star who is often labeled as gay, talks more eloquent than most of the German showbiz veterans. VANITY FAIR met Bill shortly before his surgery and had e-mail contact with him after the surgery.
VF: Mister Kaulitz, how do you feel after the surgery of your vocal cords?
Bill Kaulitz: Well, just how you feel after someone shoved a metal rail down your throat while you were under general anesthesia, to cut something off of your vocal cords. Everybody knows this feeling. I'm really glad I'm over and done with this. But I'm still scared about my voice and I feel bad for the canceled concerts.
VF: For how long will you have to rest?
Bill Kaulitz: I'm not allowed to speak for 12 days after the surgery. After that I have to do four weeks of rehabilitation. I can't wait for this.
VF: Let's talk about the beginnings. It's said that creativity feeds from the memory of hurt and mortification. What was yours?
Bill Kaulitz: The thing that hurt me most was the divorce of my parents. I was seven years old and I didn't understand it. It influenced me a lot. There's a song about it on our first album. It's called "Gegen meinen Willen".
VF: We know that your stephather Gordon Trümper is a guitar teacher. What is your biological father doing?
Bill Kaulitz: He's a truck driver and lives in Hanover
VF: When you were 8 years old, your family moved from Magdeburg to Loitsche, where only 700 people live. How did you experience this move?
Bill Kaulitz: I felt terrible, because I'm not a country-type at all. You can imagine how Tom and I stood out. They looked at us like we were some aliens who are completely nuts. School was terrible too. I had to get up at half past five every morning, to catch the bus to Wolmirstedt, and wasn't home before half past four. How I hated this! And always the same faces at school. It was the worst time of my life.
VF: How did the teachers react to the brothers Kaulitz?
Bill Kaulitz:Tom and I were always together until 7th grade. Then we were parted as punishment. It was a real slap in the face which really influenced us. Until then we did everything together. We're identical twins and really close. Of course we fought the disciplinary transfer, but the teachers said that they wouldn't be able to stand up to us because we were both bigmouths. I wasn't somebody who raised his finger and then talked in a hushed voice. I always shouted. My mum was called to school every second day.
VF: It was your specialty to appeal class tests if those weren't given back to you in due time. Where did you get this know-how from?
Bill Kaulitz: I always knew that I don't need the school, because I'd be a singer. Because the teachers annoyed me to no end, I studied my rights. I knew what they were allowed to do and what not. I sometimes had a teacher that was completely awful. Some of them didn't want to say "Good day" to me because my hair was styled up and my fingernails were painted black. They said that I couldn't go to school like that. One of them didn't want to teach me because I look like I look. He said things like "Your head isn't only for nice hair." I was an anti-pupil and did not put up with any of this.
VF: How were your marks?
Bill Kaulitz: Great. I always had a grade point average of 1,8. That's what annoyed the teachers most.
VF: Were the teachers able to hurt you?
Bill Kaulitz: Not at all. I wasn't a sick freak, chewing on my nails. I was very self-confident. I went to school like this because I knew everyone would look and the teachers would talk about it. I enjoyed this. I wanted to attract attention with my styling. The people were supposed to talk about me.
VF: A short time ago, you finished secondary school via correspondence school. How important is it to be able to differ omelette from Hamlet?
Bill Kaulitz: Well, one should be able to tell the difference. But the school system is too less individual. Why should I study maths when I know that I will never ever need it again in my life? I dropped music in 8th grade. Everyone was dumbfounded. But we only learned the CVs of some people by heart - zero inspiration. I always got bad grades for singing because we had to warble folk songs. It was horror!
VF: Does the old cliché , that music was the ticket to escape the melancholy of the province apply to you?
Bill Kaulitz: Yes. I always thought: I just have to get away from this jerkwater town, where everyone knows everyone! The worst thing for me is everyday life. I hate everyday life. That's why Tokio Hotel ist he right thing for me. Every day is different: new cities, new people.
VF: Thanks to paparazzi and so-called reader reporter, you're now on a watch 24/7. Is this impertinence or completion?
Bill Kaulitz: When I was a little boy, I always imagined how everything I do is being recorded by cameras and how this is going out to the world. I wanted boundless attention. Now I achieved it. How can I be annoyed by this?
VF: Will someone ever be as important to you as Tom is?
Bill Kaulitz: No. It tops everything. I couldn't imagine a life without Tom. One can't describe how close we are to each other. It's something extrasensory. We often have the same thoughts and dream the same things. We actually don't have to talk to each other anymore.
VF: Many identical twins sense their symbiosis as a torture and provide murderous sceneries.
Bill Kaulitz: We argue of course. And if we have an argument, it's bad. We attack each other and punch each other. One year ago we attacked each other with chairs in a hotel room. But we don't bear a grudge. We slam the doors, one of us disappears and ten minutes later we talk to each other again.
VF: Who's closer to you: the natural Bill or the painted one?
Bill Kaulitz: Definitely the painted one. the natural Bill is like a masquerade to me. I would also walk around like this if I wouldn't be famous. It totally belongs to me.
VF: Who sees you in your original state?
Bill Kaulitz: My family. And that's it.
VF: Famous kids are the most corruptive species of artists, because they destroy themselves the older they get. Will you perform a fall from time to time, to keep your image interesting?
Bill Kaulitz: It's definitely good to show that you're not perfect. But I don't stress about this. To plan something like that so that your fans don't run away, is bad. What I hated from the beginning, were older bands or some people of record labels who wanted to explain to me how this works. There's no such thing as advice! In our first meethings with the record label, they wanted to give us a stylist who was supposed to work on our appearance. I still don't have a stylist who tells me what to wear. It would constrict me. We also decide about every concert and every contract by ourselves, because I think it's really bad not to be self-determined.
VF: Who is allowed to say no to you?
Bill Kaulitz: Job-related: no one. Neither the management nor the record label. The only ones I'm still listening to are my best friends and my family. My mum can tell me: "Bill, that's sick!" and I'd think about it.
VF: Do your parents still try to parent you?
Bill Kaulitz: I have to say, our mum never really did this. Doing homework was optional. She left us free space but always watched over us. There's a huge confidence between us. We are like friends. There's really nothing I wouldn't tell my mum. And I never had a secret she didn't know about. When I came home drunk for the first time, she said what she thought about it, but I didn't need to be afraid of her.
VF: Does your mum ask you to leave your hair at least on christmas alone?
Bill Kaulitz: No. She really doesn't care. I colored my hair for the first time when I was 9 years old. They were alternating between green, blue, white and black. I got my eyebrow piercing when I was 13. She was really laid-back.
VF: About 200 female teenager collapse from ecstasy during your concerts, they hold up posters with slogans like "Fuck me through the monsoon". How does it feel to know that millions of girls project their sprouting sexual fantasies onto you?
Bill Kaulitz: I don't think about it much, to be honest. Sometimes we look at each other and have to laugh because we just can't imagine that someone has posters of us on their walls. But I always thought it would be cool to hang at someones wall. In the past, I often sat in my room, thinking about what my idol Nena is doing, where she is and what she's thinking. I can't quite believe that other people now sit in their rooms and think about me. To me, I'm so normal, we are so unspecial to each other. We are oblivious to ourselves.
VF: How often do you think about yourself in third person?
Bill Kaulitz: Sometimes. But accidentally. When I'm unmotivated to do something, I think: Bill should do it nonetheless, because it's good for the band.
VF: Your aplomb appearance in public appears to be eldrich for some people. Is there a difference between the character Bill and the real Bill?
Bill Kaulitz: You keep some things to yourself. But apart from that, there are no great differences perforce. The last three years were a run without break. There wasn't a cut when you arrived somewhere and had some private time. Even on tour we had cameras all around us, 24 hours a day. How can you experience something that not everyone knows about only a few hours later? But that's what I always wanted. Thus I have to cope with it.
VF: Those we envy rarely feel enviable. What's the most annoying thing about being Bill?
Bill Kaulitz: The main problem of people like me is to trust. It's hard for me to believe someone and let myself go. During the past years I didn't make any new friends and I didn't fall in love. When I meet someone, I'm really careful and skeptic and ask myself: What's behind this? One unfortunately often meets people who turn out to be weird or tell something to the press. If I wouldn't be this famous, I would have probably fallen in love with someone I know a long time ago.
VF: Who betrayed your trust the worst?
Bill Kaulitz: I never let myself go so far that someone would have been able to do that. I wear a shield. To go out and get to know someone without telling someone beforehand is the biggest thing you have to forgo. Still, my current life is what I always wanted.
VF: Is the problem of trust the reason why stars often hook up with stars?
Bill Kaulitz: Yes. Angelina Jolie doesn't have to worry that Brad Pitt only uses her for becoming famous. A celebrity prefers someone who has the same life and is into this lifestyle as well. My girlfriends never understood why I went to our rehearsal room right after school and why I preferred to perform in clubs at the weekend, instead of sitting in front of the TV with them. Of course it's so much more difficult today. Who wants to live this life with you? And of course the person would also have to understand that you can't just get out of this life.
VF: When were you last in love?
Bill Kaulitz: Three and a half years ago. I haven't found the one big love. I don't think everbody finds it. And if so, only once. In my situation, I would need much luck to find it.
VF: With 18 years, don't you prefer to make out endlessly anyway?
Bill Kaulitz: I don't know. Precisely because of this life I would prefer to find the one big love instead of making out. I want to share my little time with someone I know about: This is the one!
VF: Did you already say "I love you" to a girl?
Bill Kaulitz: Yes. But I didn't mean it. I should have said "I like you." The older I get, the more serious I take those differences. Tom probably always says "I love you" to a girl to get her into bed.
VF: Do you compete for the same girls?
Bill Kaulitz: We like the same type. And our girlfriends were always friends with each other. It was godawful, cause they did always gang up on us. Our first kiss happened with the same girl. Tom was first. The day after that, she started kissing me. Then we were both over and done with it. Oh god, we thought it was shit - as awful as the first kiss is.
VF: How old were you back then?
Bill Kaulitz: Eleven. She was three years older and experienced.
VF: When had Tom his first sex?
Bill Kaulitz:He was 14, if I remember correctly.
VF: It's said that Tom goes through women like there's no tommorow.
Bill Kaulitz: I let him do whatever he wants. That he has the nerve to get someone else every night. I wouldn't fancy this. But we were always different when it came to that.
VF: Your colleague Robbie Williams once told us that there are two kinds of groupies in Germany. One kind wants to take a photo during the sex to have a proof to show their friends. The other kind would ask "Robbie, are you sure your feelings for me are real?" during the sex.
Bill Kaulitz: Tom also tells me this. Since we're on the road so much, I didn't take anyone to my bed. It disgusts me, to have someone I don't even know in my bed every night. I didn't reach this point yet. I wouldn't have the confidence to take a girl up to my room for one night. The only private thing you have while on tour, is your hotel room. And to let someone sleep there for one night - no, I'd be really skeptic.
VF: Did you already have sex?
Bill Kaulitz: I want this to be my secret.
VF: Does it surprise you that some people think you're gay?
Bill Kaulitz:Not at all. Most of them have this cliché way of thinking: make-up plus styled hair equals gay. I wanted to set this statement, that this is not the case. Everyone can do what he wants. One thing doesn't necessarily have to do with the other.
VF: What would you do if you were a girl for one day?
Bill Kaulitz: I'd definitely not hook up with my brother.
VF: But?
Bill Kaulitz: Oh my god, what would I do? Probably the same as I do now, cause I don't tell it apart.
VF: What would you like to forbid girls?
Bill Kaulitz: Not being jealous, because jealousy is very important. When I'm in love I immediately claim everything and don't let go anymore. It would drive me crazy if my girlfriend would tell me: "Bill, I don't care about all those screaming girls. I totally trust you."
VF: Were you ever deceived?
Bill Kaulitz: No. I also never deceived someone. Faithfulness is the most important thing for me.
VF: How did you annoy your girlfriends?
Bill Kaulitz: I speak really loud. The whole day. And always with hands and feet. And I never let people talk. Everyone's annoyed by that.
VF: Which is harder: loving someone else or loving oneself?
Bill Kaulitz: Oneself. It's really hard to stand by everything you are. There are incredibly many moments in which I'm insecure and would love to dig a hole to crawl in, pull a blanket over myself and stay there for a year. Sometimes I'm glad we're in this rush and have one concert after the other, this way you don't have time to think much. You just don't have time for loneliness.
VF: Can you still live without a celeb-sitter?
Bill Kaulitz: I can't just go to the bakery. So of course someone else does this. But I'm still suitable for daily use, because my problem is that I'm incredibly perfectionist. I can't let other people do things. It's abnormal - and gets worse. Everything has to be fixed into detail, cause I need to know exactly what's coming up. Or else I go crazy. Tom's also this stressed out. Although we pay so many people to relieve us of some things. But we created all this, so it's hard for us when other people lay hand on Tokio Hotel.
VF: Do you also control your finances yourself?
Bill Kaulitz: Yes. I already did this when I was 13. I have access to all accounts and control this just like I control my career.
VF: Do you know how many millions you've got?
A woman with clipboard from the record label shouts from the background: "No talk about money!"
VF: When will you buy your parents a villa?
Bill Kaulitz: As soon as I can afford it. I definitely want to live together with my parents. We're so close, I wouldn't think of it being a strain. There are no limits where I'd say: "Oh my god, now please go out."
VF: Let's assume that you're kidnapped. What would be a reasonable amount for a ransom?
Bill Kaulitz: As much as all my friends could get together. Of course they should get their money back in the end.
VF: What do you think about the fall of Britney Spears?
Bill Kaulitz: I can understand how something like that can happen, because I live the same life. Other people probably think: "She has money, she achieved everything, why doesn't she just relax?" I couldn't imagine myself being a solo artist and to be alone on the road all the time. I don't trust myself to carry this huge pressure alone.
Bill Kaulitz: Of course it's a funny statement. But I can totally understand it, cause there's no stop. You don't just say: "Well, now I'm famous in Germany and that's enough." You aspire to be everywhere as succesful as possible. Even if I'd be immensely wealthy and would own my own island, I'd still go on. It's right: Fame is a drug. The detox would be a blow, I would hardly be able to handle.
VF: If drugs weren't illegal which would you like to try?
Bill Kaulitz: Something relaxing that leads to me not needing to control everything anymore.
VF: Are you a star in your dreams?
Bill Kaulitz: I once had a nightmare: I lie in bed, in a room made of glass and all around me are photographers, who take tons of pictures of me. I say to our team: "Shit, shit, can't you just get them out of here?" But one guy says: "No, I can't do that. You've got an appointment and you overslept." But I never missed an appointment. I always have three alarm clocks, so that I don't oversleep. And I'm never unpunctual.
VF: Why did no one ever see you dance?
Bill Kaulitz: I never dance. I just sit in the corner - unless I'm really drunk. I do it then. I think, dancing is a girls-thing. Even though is might sound chavvy: Only girls have to dance everywhere.
VF: Do you somethimes think about your own funeral?
Bill Kaulitz:: I have to say: Yes. My friends, who are the same age as me, also think about it. You imagine who would be there and who would really cry for you.
VF: Which music should be played at your burial?
Bill Kaulitz: "Magic Dance" of David Bowie from the movie "Labyrinth". It's a really funny song and "Labyrinth" is a movie from my childhood and I still love it to pieces.
VF: What will you wear in your coffin?
Bill Kaulitz: I wear everything black and a leather jacket. My last will would definitley be that my hair is styled. I'll hopefully have enough hair left. If not, someone should definitely put a wig on my head.
Världens bästa människa!

Bild från Monsoon:)

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Tokio Hotel TV - Tokio Hotel in Viva Mexico!! [Episode 44]
Har Bill en flickvän?
"Staragora is reporting that this weekend Bill will be going out to a nightclub with his rumoured girlfriend Ilayda Gecim. The relationship has been rumoured since the Comet Awards 2007, but the article says that since Ilayda has now turned 16, they will be partying this weekend to celebrate. To read the full translated article, and a translation of the article published before it, look below the break.
Is this true? Probably not, but it is interesting.
Tokio Hotel: Bill Kaulitz in a nightclub for the birthday of his girlfriend Ilayda? The rumour of the love story between Bill Kaulitz and Ilayda Gecim, a German teen of Turkish origin, restarts! Moving on to a love story! Denise, a fan of Tokio Hotel, has alerted us about the lovers going out to a nightclub in Berlin this weekend. The young Ilayda has celebrated her birthday in the past few days, it's party time! Imagine that for your next birthday Bill Kaulitz invites you to go to a nightclub with the whole group! What would you think? And your friends?
Right now, Tokio Hotel are in Berlin to record their third album in studio. Once again we thank Denise, a faithful reader, who alerted us about the existence of this famous Ilayda. See: Bill Kaulitz and his little friend! (translation below)
Second article:
Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel has a little friend of Turkish origin.
There's a rumour all over the internet, and a Turkish reader of staragora who's in love with Bill Kaulitz and Tokio Hotel told us about it: Denise, 16 years old. According to her, Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel has been going out with Ilayda Gecim. She lives in Berlin but her origins are Turkish. She's 15 years old. The rumour started in 2007: Bill Kaulitz and Ilayda had probably met at an award event, "Comet 07". They were seen holding hands outside a club. According to Denise, many of girls posed as the young Ilayda at blogs or forums, mostly Teemix and Ladiz... Denise says that's not Bill's little friend: Ilayda can't speak French. (...)
Svensk google översättning:
Staragora rapporterar att denna helg Bill kommer att åka ut till en nattklubb med sin ryktas flickvän Ilayda Gecim. Förhållandet har ryktas sedan Comet Awards 2007, men artikeln säger att eftersom Ilayda har nu förvandlats 16 år, kommer de att festandet i helgen för att fira. För att läsa hela översatt artikel, och en översättning av artikeln som publicerats före den, titta under den kritiska.
Stämmer det? Antagligen inte, men det är intressant.
Tokio Hotel: Bill Kaulitz i en nattklubb i födelsedagspresent av sin flickvän Ilayda?
Det rykte på den kärlekshistoria mellan Bill Kaulitz och Ilayda Gecim, en tysk tonåring av turkiskt ursprung, startar! Nu till en kärlekshistoria! Denise, ett fan av Tokio Hotel, har varnats för oss om de som gillar att gå ut till en nattklubb i Berlin i helgen. De unga Ilayda firade hennes födelsedag i de senaste dagarna, det är part time!
Tänk dig att för din nästa födelsedag Bill Kaulitz uppmanar er att gå till en nattklubb med hela gruppen! Vad skulle du tänka? Och dina vänner?
Just nu, Tokio Hotel är i Berlin för att spela in deras tredje album i studion.
Tacka till en tjej som heter Denise, som varnade om förekomsten av denna berömda Ilayda.
Andra artikeln:
Bill Kaulitz från Tokio Hotel har en liten vän av turkiskt ursprung.
Det finns ett rykte över hela internet, och en turkisk läsare av staragora som är förälskad i Bill Kaulitz och Tokio Hotel berättade för oss om den: Denise, 16 år gammal.
Enligt henne, Bill Kaulitz från Tokio Hotel har pågått med Ilayda Gecim. Hon bor i Berlin men hennes rötter är turkiska. Hon är 15 år gammal. Det ryktet började på 2007: Bill Kaulitz och Ilayda hade förmodligen träffat på ett pris händelse, "Comet 07". De sågs hålla händerna utanför en klubb.
Enligt Denise, många av flickorna som ställs på den unga Ilayda i bloggar eller forum, mestadels Teemix och Ladiz... Denise säger att det inte är Bill's lilla flickvän: Ilayda inte kan tala franska. (...)
FNMTV Flashback
In the monstrous melee that was Tokio Hotel's big night at the VMAs, let us not overlook their pre-Best New Artist appearance on the final episode of FNMTV (RIP, June 13 - September 5, 2008).
Watch Bill, Tom, George and Gustav make their VMA predictions (in perfect English!) and express their desires to meet Pink and Danity Kane.
Plus - James Montgomery nearly robs Britney of a VMA and Tim Kash fans the fires of the nearly defunct Jonas-Tokio feud.
MTV Canada’s Pepsi Superfan contest
"Okay, so I was told by MTV that now I can finally start telling people.
I made top two!
Watch me on MTV Live on Wednesday, Sept 24th, at 6-7pm EST!
Th i Aftonbladet
Picspam (så fiiina)
Bill 2006

Videos från Top Topic
Vivalicious 2008 - Style Award

This is a show that will be aired on VIVA tv in Germany on Nov, 14 OR Nov,18! We are not sure yet!
You can vote for your favorite, and Tokio Hotel is ofc one of those you can Vote for!
IN magazine
Tom und Bill im LA

I just have to ask, what do you think of Bills naills? To girlie or really hothothot?

Bills handske från VMA
RTL screens [12.09.08] VMA
Mer om det nya albumet
"Tokio Hotels tredje albumet kommer att släppas den 26 november 2008 i Tyskland, och den 1 december i alla andra länder. Det blir en tysk version för Tyskland, Frankrike, Schweiz ... och en engelska versionen för England, USA och andra Europeiska länder.
Gruppen kommer att göra en big World Tour 2009. " - Apparently Polydor
Denna text har jag tagit från min kompis >>Alinas<< blogg.
Helt klart dagens låt!
Det finns inga ord! Jo, ett: Magiskt!
Så söt! (från mexiko)

Mexico - 30.08.2008
Super Pop nº340
Experts are sure that only a complete shift to the USA can guarantee our four Magdeburger boys the long waited for international success!
"For a world career it is really important," tells music expert Thomas Stein (59). "They have to be present at all times. That's what the fans demand. They want to have their stars near. Otherwise the euphoria will go away pretty quickly."
"Tokio Hotel" don't make a secret of the fact that they feel happy in the States. In New York they surprised thousands of fans early this year with their concerts.
Will MTV success trap the band in the US forever? Bill&Co showed more than once that they are excited about this American adventure. After the whole tour stress the boys want to go back home to Germany.
Bill to Bild: "I can't imagine living anywhere else than Germany right now. In the last three years so many things have happened. Everything is just like a dream."
The rockstar thinks really calm about it: "All the travelling is printed in my thoughts," Bill tells: "It's just that awesome. I am happy about every single day, that I can sleep in my own bed."
Tom smiles: "My little brother is homesick. He is only talking about his own bed in Germany."
So: First it's bye-bye USA, Hello Germany. Tomorrow the band is flying back home.
The night before they went with there bandmates Georg and Gustav and there team to Restaurant The Ivy in West Hollywood for dinner. After that they celebrated on the roof of there hotel until midnight and the time of there birthday. There actual birthday they only spend together! Without the crew or manager and even without Georg and Gustav the boys relaxed at the beach of Santa Monica/ California. Tom relaxed with his dreads down and naked upper body next to his brother, who was despite the weather still wearing his black clothes. Together the relaxed in there chairs, caught some sunlight or just walked down the beach - and off course they did it all together. "Actually, we do everything together. The only thing now is going to the toilet, taking a bad or shower", Bill laughs. But then he gets serious again; "I always imagine the following situation: We are standing on the edge of a cliff and a voice says; one of you has to jump and can never come back. We would jump together. A hundred percent sure...
Så fin!
VMA After Party med Ryan Seacrest
Nytt info om bloggen
OBS! Det är inte säker på hur seriöst detta bör tas eftersom det inte är officiell bekräftat ännu.
"Tokio Hotel's third album will be released on November 26th 2008 in Germany, and on December 1st in all other countries. There will be a German version for Germany, France, Switzerland... and an English version for England, the USA and other European countries.
The group will do a big world tour in 2009."
Svensk Översättning:
"Tokio Hotels tredje albumet kommer att släppas den 26 november 2008 i Tyskland, och den 1 december i alla andra länder. Det blir en tysk version för Tyskland, Frankrike, Schweiz ... och en engelska versionen för England, USA och andra Europeiska länder.
Gruppen kommer att göra en big World Tour 2009. "
Källa: Apparently Polydor
Blinkande avatarer på Bill
Jag får damp på att han blinkar! Haha!
TH - Hot Topic [6.9.2008]
Animation från TH-TV Episode 43

Lite fler animationer

Get Monsoon on Los Angeles Radio!
KTLA Los Angeles Interview
Högkvalitéts-bilder från VMA
Panic at the disco's favorit moment på VMA? Tokio Hotels entré!
Läs artikeln >>HÄR<<

You Tokio Hotel fans glued to your TVs last Sunday during the VMAs? You weren't the only ones wowed by Tokio Hotel's big red carpet entrance atop a "loud," "dangerous" monster truck.
Panic At the Disco, pictured above in a photo I snapped on my BlackBerry on the VMA back lot, arrived early (more on their arrival and how Sway tracked everyone via the Swaychopper and the magical <strike>stalking</strike> tracking powers of VehiclePath GPS at the Newsroom blog) and caught a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Tokio Hotel getting primped for their arrival and getting into position on their VMA monster truck.
And how do I know this? Because Ryan Ross blogged about it on Panic's new blog, We're So Blogging, which you should go read. I just bookmarked it. I know I just did!
Check out VMA video footage of Panic At the Disco checking in with Sway from inside their 16-passenger van in the VMA limo line, and then watch Tokio Hotel's subtle, subdued VMA arrival for the umpeen billionf time.
TH i fler tidningar

Sweet 17

Jag tror att detta är rent skvallerskit! Bill har alltid varir väldigt smal och det kommer han nog att vara. Det har säkert varit stressigt för dom men jag tror absolut inte att han skulle lida av ätstörningar!
OK! People
Bill Kaulitz - The stress is consuming him..
The teenie idol is skinnier than ever. Is the Tokio Hotel singer suffering and eating disorder?
Hanging pants and hollow cheeks: In recent photos Bill Kaulitz looks unhealthily skinny that one question comes to surface: Is he anorexic? The Tokio Hotel star denies such: "Don't worry about my eating habits." Apparently he shovels down mounts of fast food, noodle casseroles and milk rice. But his reassurance over such back fires. Because: "It's typical for anorexics to deny their illness." Explains Dr. Thomas Kurscheid, a nutritional physician. "Sufferers have a warped body perception - they believe they're too fat." However, the 19 year old claims that he only weighs 50 kilos - too little for someone with the height of 1.77 m.
His underweight can also be from nature Bill: "I was always so skinny!" or a reaction to the stressful life in the limelight, the results of energy taking performances and tours. However, the expert assumes it's a psychological problem: "Bill's life is controlled from managers. No wonder that he at least wants to keep the control over his own weight..."
Mer bilder från Jimmy Kimmel Show
Nytt info om Jimmy Kimmel
Här finns en sida med mer info:

MTV Latin Awards
När ni ska rösta på ''bästa nykomling'' trycker ni först på ''mexico'' sen ''votar''
I dessa 4 kategorierna är killarna nominerade!
Bästa Nykomling
Bästa Låt
Bästa Ringsignal
Bästa Fanclub
(tryck på kategorin och kom till sidan där du röstar)
Massa animationer

Tokio Hotel on the Red Carpet
E! Online:
TH i tidningar
Nu är killarna tillbaka i studion igen<3
"Tokio Hotel are back in the studio. In the next few weeks, the third studio album will be completed", said manager David Jost in an interview. Singer Bill said he is particularly pleased to finally be able to sleep late: "I will not stage the whole time to get up early." Next Bill said that he hate to get up early. Therefore would be during the production phase after his sleeping rhythm directed: "Since then we catch the evening and work until late into the night."
Vinn en signerad gitarr från Tokio Hotel

Listen to Z100 Portland this weekend for your chance to win a Tokio Hotel autographed guitar!!
If you're in the Portland Oregon area, listen to Z100 at 100.3 FM (or online at this weekend September 12-14 for instructions on how to win your very own guitar - autographed by Tokio Hotel's Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg! Be sure to tune in this weekend. You MUST listen for instructions in order to win! You'll be told to text to the station at a certain time, and the stations site will feature a page where you can browse through a photo gallery, listen to music, watch videos, and more!
Tokio Hotel @ MTV Video Music Awards
An all new episode of Tokio Hotel just premiered - watch it and get the inside scoop and come backstage with Tokio Hotel at the MTV Video Music Awards. Click HERE to tune in to Tokio Hotel TV now!
Take care & rock on!
Your TokioHotel WebTeam
TFM Awards 2008
Här ka du rösta:
Som jag har förståt detså är TH nominerade i massa olika kategorier i TFM Awards 2008. Det är lite svårt att förstå när allt står på ett annat språk, men men. Killarna är nominerade i följande kategorier:
Best International Album -> Zimmer 483 'Live In Europe'
Best Pop International pop-> Tokio Hotel
Best Rock International -> Tokio Hotel
International Best Live - > Tokio Hotel
International Best Video -> Tokio Hotel - Dont Jump
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Jimmy Kimmel show [09.09.08]
Mer avatarer men från LA
Animationer från VMA
Tokio Hotel TV - MTV VMA 2008: Music, Mayhem, TH [Episode 43]
Fler hetingar
Heting nummer 2
Heting på red carpet!
Fler bilder från VMA aftershow-party
Monsoon med i Europeiska versionen av Rock Band
TH i Jimmy Kimmel

Bill är med på Yahoos Best Dressed lista!
Yahoo satte ihop en lista över bäst och sämst klädda på VMA.
Detta är vad de skrev om Bill:
"Best: Tokio Hotel lead singer Bill Kaulitz had fun on the red carpet, and we applaud him for his sense of style and crazy coif!"
Ready, Set, Go! på
Tryck här! för att köra!
Mer bilder...
Heting från VMA

TH-K på aftershow-party VMA

Bill i glitter<33

German Pop Sensation Tokio Hotel Wins MTV Video Music Award
Angsty German teen pop band Tokio Hotel won the best newcomer award at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday Sep. 7 for their post-apocalyptic style music video for the song Ready, Set, Go!
The quartet's win as the only male and only non-American nominees in their category came as a surprise to the young musicians.
"I can't describe in any words what we're feeling right now," singer Bill Kaulitz said, thanking the band's fans worldwide.
Since Tokio Hotel was formed in Magdeburg in 2001, the quartet of Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing and Gustav Schaefer have enjoyed much success in their native Germany, wirth four number one singles and two chart-topping albums, selling nearly five million CDs and DVDs.
Tokio Hotel released their first album "Schrei" (Scream) in May 2006 and sold some 600,000 copies in six days in Germany. It also quickly became a major success in France, Austria and Switzerland.
Persistent pop disaster doll Britney Spears stole the MTV show, however, winning awards in all three categories she was nominated in: video of the year, best pop video and best female video. The row of awards marked a comeback after her disastrous performance at last year's VMAs.
Ever growing international success
After starting to sing more in English, Tokio Hotel's international popularity has been growing rapidly with large fan bases in other European countries, particularly in France and Belgium.
The award marks the band's growing success in North America, reaching 39 in the official US billboard charts and climbing as high as sixth place in the Canadian charts. That makes Tokio Hotel one of the few German bands to enjoy such international success.
Tokio Hotel is well known for what some describe as shrewd marketing tactics -- playing on the singer's androgynous look, the band members' young ages and edgy hairstyles to reach icon status among many teenage girls.
As well as singing more in English, the band has recently adopted a more serious "emo" image, which is reflected in their now award-winning video depicting a mass of soulless people marching in uniforms -- apparently the victims of a dystopic regime.
The VMA award is already being seen as a potential breakthrough for the band to further success in America. Speaking ahead of the ceremony, Bill Kaulitz said: "We don't expect it, so for us, it's so cool to be nominated. I think it's really, really special for us -- it's America and it's our first American award and that's so huge."
The youngsters showed they are getting used to the international pop-star lifestyle when they turned up for the awards on a monster truck, though they were upstaged by rapper T-Pain who arrived on elephant accompanied by various circus performers.
Bild News

Our awesome victory night by MTV
This is a party Tokio Hotel will never forget! The Magdeburger boys won the pop-prize "MTV Video Music Awards" in Los Angeles - as the first German band!
It is the absolute crown on their young career!
The four Magdeburger boys from "Tokio Hotel" are crowned as best newcomer ["Ready, Set, Go"] on the MTV Video Music Awards in LA.
With this the desired "Moonman" went for the first time in his 25 year history of the awards to a German band!
Now Bill [19], Tom [19], Georg [21] and Gustav [20] are real world stars - and also party like it!
Shortly after 8pm local time, the boys were awarded. In front of millions of TV watchers, Bill [in really good English]: "Now we want to thank all our fans all over the world".
Bill to BILD: "When we got the award, I was completely speechless - then Tom drank himself down under till 5am in the morning. At a private party from their record label Interscope-Universal in Santa Monica - with a view on the Baywatch beach from Malibu...
Tom: "We just wanted one thing, party hard! Just like super stars like Britney, Christina Aguilera, Pink or Kid Rock"".
Vodka with Red Bull they drank against tiredness, a few glasses of champagne against the anxiety, and water to hang on with. Tom: "Awesome party - and the girls are also pretty fly. They constantly scream wherever we go".
When the sun rose over the Pacific beach to say "Good Morning", the four boys in four stars hotel "Casa del Mar" said "Good night".
The next plans for Tokio Hotel: "One more talk show appearance in the USA, then the flight back to Germany. Now Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg want to get back in the studio again - to record their third album.
© beertje_86 & Lenny@tha
Min blivande bil!
Mer bilder från VMA
Utkast: Känner mig ...

Grattis Gustav på 20-årsdagen i efterskott!!
EMA 2008
Rösta här!

Kommer ni ihåg?
Dom bästa sekunderna av VMA
Tack-video till oss från TH
VMA med TH i tysk TV Punkt12
Stolta killar med priset
Backstage med Miley Cyrus och PCD

Snyggaste entrén

Dom har vunnit våra hjärtan och även VMA
Fina bilder från KIIS FM
Tokio Hotel Buzzworthy - After VMA Run Through (7.9.08)
Live at Hot Topic (Hollywood)
Nya TH-kläder

Hot Topic

Om du klickar här kommer du till sidan där du kan köpa denna T-shirt.
Hollywood & Highland [06.09.08]

Interview & performance KIIS FM Burbank [09.03.08]
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
MTV FNMTV [05.09.08]
Chicago - 15.08.2008
Deras kroppsspråk
Bills kroppsspråk
Josses fråga
Hon undrade när den här bilden togs, och den är från den senaste Bravo-tidningen.

Och förlåt för den usla uppdateringen igår!
Buzznet - Tokio Hotel Talks Sports & American Girls
Citat från Tom
Tom; Med ett bälte som alla andra!
Reporter; Ni har alltid så hängiga byxor, har ni någonsin tajta byxor?
Tom; Jaa klart! Men jag föredrar pösiga. Det finns mycket som händer däremellan förstår du...

The Ritz Carlton Hotel → Berlin (november 2007)
Haha, Tom goes självsäker
Förlåt, men jag måste
De snyggaste snyggingarna ever!

Tokio Hotel TV - San Fran Sightseeing with Georg [Episode 42]
Äckligt sexig!

Rette mich
Lyssna och njut!
Studio 104 Interview
VMA - TH Live On Stage

Ser du skillnaden?
Ett måste för alla TH-fans!
I just wrote a text, because I got a little upset..
Tokio Hotel Fans from all over europe.
I understand that some of you are angry because tokio hotel decided to do another tour in amerika instead of replasing all the concerts that had been cancelled.
But If we love our boys, if we wish them all the luck in the world, if we have pushed them and supported them this far, why stop now?
Their dream has been to get famous in amerika and tokio , and luckily , they succeeded with america.
I am from Sweden and I counted down from 108 days to 9 when the first concert in sweden got cancelled, my world was shutten down..
and I had no possibility to get farer then germany because of money, so my waiting for 2 years had been for nothing.
And when they did another tour in america, I got like "whaaat?" and a little chocked, because I believed they would give us the concerts they
promised, but at the same time I knew that It Is Universal records that decide where the boys shall play because of how their album are selling and
If It starts selling good they do more publicity for the boys buy bringing the boys there, and look at them!
They are bigger then ever and we, their fans are actually complaining about it?
Tom,Bill,Georg and Gustav have fought so hard to get this far and now their dream is on its way to come true!
Now can Bill get out with his feelings,words and music out to the whole world!
Now there are 2 awards where tokio hotel are nominated, and that is "EMA" and "VMA" . The boys really think these awards are big and they are
holding their hands together and really hoping that they are going to win, and some of us fans dont wote because they are mad at amerikan fans?Jealous is what I call it.
some people dont vote because they hate the succes the boys have got in amerika?
Serioulsy, how can you think like that?
When I hear about this, hear how you decide not to vote because you dont want them to get bigger in Amerika, I feel so confused,decieved..
Disappointed and sad. Really really sad.
Can you imagine how the boys will feel If they dont win any award at all, only because the fans are having fights and dont wish the best for the band?
If they dont succed in Amerika now, they will continue until they make it.
So honestly, If we are fans.
If we love tokio hotels music.
If we wish the best for guys.
If we are fans that want all the luck in world for our idols,
then vote, support and be there always.
Think about Bill, when he wrote an deiner seite.
What is the meaning of that song?
The meaning is that no matter where we go, and no matter how far away we are - they are always by our side.
Just like we are being for them!
Do your best..
Be a Tokio Hotel Fan!
Love wishes / Louise Norman - sweden (missnorman på
Så jävla bra text! Nu tycker jag verkligen att alla ska rösta! RÖSTARÖSTARÖSTA!
Små scemagrejer - smart!
Bill blir docka på Madame Tussau

Fråga mig inte vad dom gör men söt är han i alla fall.
Lite döskalle